Cold can cause problems during sports

Cold can cause problems during sports / Health News

Cold can cause problems in sports: This is how healthy sports are practiced during the cold season


For the new year, according to a survey by the health insurance DAK every second German has made to do more sports. In the cold season, however, outdoor sports can lead to health problems. Therefore, the doctor advises the DAK: breathe through the nose as possible!

Every second German (52 percent) wants to do more sport in the new year. This resulted in the DAK Health Barometer being the "Good Resolution for 2011". However, those who do sports outdoors in the cold temperatures risk health problems with the respiratory tract. DAK doctor Elisabeth Thomas points this out. "The very cold air can irritate the alveoli - they are literally contracted and jogging, for example, causes a dry cough or pain, but a walk in the fresh air is usually not a problem."

Doing sports when it's cold outside
Anyone who wants to do sports despite the freezing temperatures should, according to Dr. med. Thomas follow a few rules. „It is important to keep warm with functional clothing. In addition, breathing should always be possible through the nose, because this warms and humidifies the dry air“. For people with a healthy bronchial system, according to DAK information, sport is usually not dangerous when temperatures are below freezing. People who suffer from asthma can possibly suffer from an asthma attack. The doctor explains: „Asthmatics with their sensitive bronchial system are particularly susceptible to cold and dry air. If they are well-adjusted with medicines, the susceptibility to cold and other environmental influences is reduced.“ For the New Year's study, a total of 3008 people from all over Germany were interviewed. The survey was conducted by the opinion and research institute "Forsa" on behalf of the DAK. (sb, dak)

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Image: Erich Keppler