Cold can help you lose weight

Cold can help you lose weight / Health News

Cool temperatures increase your well-being and help you lose weight


Cold can obviously have a positive effect on well-being and also help to lose weight. This is currently reported by a team of Dutch scientists in the specialist journal "Cell Press“. According to this, regular freezing causes the body to become more accustomed to the cold - who, on the other hand, only stays in comfortably warm rooms, is even at an increased risk for obesity.

Staying in well-heated rooms increases the risk of obesity
When it gets colder outside, warmth in many homes is warm. But as the Dutch researchers Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt, Boris Kingma, Anouk van der Lans and Lisje Schellen of „Maastricht University Medical Center“ currently in the online magazine „Cell-Press“ writing, constant heat appears to have a negative effect on the body and even increases the risk of obesity. However, those who regularly spend time in cooler premises would not only feel better, but also lose body fat at the same time.

Declining body fat levels at 17 degrees Celsius
According to the article, scientists from Japan had examined subjects who had spent six weeks a day for two hours in a room with 17 degrees Celsius and were able to detect declining body fat levels. For people who are in cold outside temperatures always only in heated rooms, the body, however, have greater problems to deal with temperature fluctuations, the researchers continue. As a result, these increase the risk of obesity.

Increase in the „brown fat cells“ for a long time in cool rooms
According to the report, a Dutch team of researchers also investigated the effects of having subjects spend six days a day at temperatures of 15 degrees Celsius for ten days. On the one hand, the cold had a positive effect on the well-being of the test persons, on the other hand, there was an increase in the number of patients „brown fat cells“, which are able to produce heat by the oxidation of fatty acids and therefore contrary to „white fat“ do not fat.

Temperature training helps to train the cardiovascular system
According to the scientists, it can be assumed that fluctuating indoor temperatures could have a positive effect on health. Consistent heat, on the other hand, may not only increase the risk of weight gain but also other diseases: „Giving more energy to our body to maintain thermal balance could positively impact the health of the entire population. In addition, a period of moderate-temperature training in temperature keeps the peripheral vascular system in motion (for example, by changing the blood vessel constriction due to cold and blood vessel dilation in heat), thereby helping to train the cardiovascular system“, so the scientists in their article. (No)