Health News - Page 273

Unistudien aluminum salts in deodorants increases the risk of breast cancer

Use of deodorants with aluminum salts is a breast cancer risk factor?Aluminum deodorants have recently come under increased criticism in...

Unistudie Psychosis risks from cannabis use rather low

The use of marijuana automatically leads to psychosis?So far, many doctors have assumed that smoking cannabis results in the increased...

Unisex rates Why PKV is significantly more expensive

Private health insurance: The unisex tariffs, the private health insurance rates, especially for men significantly more expensive 19/11/2012 The introduction...

Unisex rates Many insurance companies are attracting

Unisex tariffs: Men and women are treated as insurance rates 27/08/2012 From December 2012, the private health insurers must offer...

Union wants to raise contributions from long-term care insurance

Union wants to raise contributions from long-term care insurance 30.03.2011 The Union faction in the Bundestag announced today that its...

Union against private supplementary care insurance

Warning against capitation: The DGB welcomes the decision of the Union not to introduce individual supplementary care insurance. The Federal...

University Hospital Mannheim Patients were obviously endangered by unclean scalpels

University of Mannheim: Lack of hygiene endangered thousands of patients?At the University Hospital Mannheim apparently hygiene rules were disregarded for...

Uniklinik takes on diaper costs for quintuplets

University Hospital Münster takes on diaper costs for five-fingered 24/11/2013 The Fünflinge from Münster are not yet two weeks old...

Unicef ​​warns that five out of six children under the age of two are inadequately fed

Malnourished children suffer irreparable health problemsThe United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) warns that about five in six children under the...