Uniklinik takes on diaper costs for quintuplets

University Hospital Münster takes on diaper costs for five-fingered
The Fünflinge from Münster are not yet two weeks old and yet they already have their own sponsor. The University Hospital Münster will take care of the costs of babies' diapers for one year.
Five girls
The quintuplets, who were born almost two weeks ago at the University Hospital Münster (UKM), already have their first sponsor. Dr. Christoph Hoppenheit, commercial director of the UKM, presented the parents on Friday, on behalf of the board not only flowers, but also a voucher for diapers for the first year. „Since I myself am the father of several children, I was very pleased to hear that the five girls - according to the situation - are doing well right from the start“, so hopiness.
The babies are developing very well
The five girls Maria, Melissia, Josefina, Justina and Evelyn were born on 12 November by caesarean section. They weighed between 1,040 and 1,270 grams at birth and are currently being cared for as premature babies in the intensive care unit. The doctors had been able to postpone the birth of the five-year-olds until the 30th week of pregnancy. According to Dr. Esther Rieger-Fackeldey, chief physician of neonatology, the health of the babies is still stable and they have so far developed very well.
Over 9,000 diapers
Probably in about nine weeks, the five-fingered from the care of the hospital can be released and come to her 26-year-old mother, her 31-year-old father and the three-year-old brother's home. The people in charge at the university hospital paid tribute to the challenge with five other children. „We would therefore like to help with a small starter pack: For the first year of life, the UKM provides the nappies for the diapers“, so hopiness. Assuming a daily consumption of five diapers per baby, parents can save on the purchase of 9,125 diapers in the coming year.
Multiple births become more common
The number of multiple births has increased significantly in Germany over the past twenty years. More and more twins, triplets and quadruplets in this country see the light of day every year, while the number of normal births declines for years. According to the Federal Statistical Office, in 2011 there were approximately 11,500 multiple births in Germany. According to the Federal Statistical Office, the majority of multiple births are twin births (98 percent). According to the latest figures, triplet births were already a rare occurrence in 2011 with 230 cases, four-child births with only six cases a veritable rarity. (Ad)
Picture: Christian v. R.