Unicef warns that five out of six children under the age of two are inadequately fed

The United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) warns that about five in six children under the age of two are not getting enough food. This insufficient intake of food leads to irreparable damage to health. For children aged six months to two years, around half do not receive the required amount of food.
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) experts found that five out of six children under the age of two have inadequate food intake. This is sometimes so low that it can lead to irreparable damage to health. The doctors published a press release on the results of their investigation.

Many babies are fed much too late
Unicef's new report sheds light on the sad reality in developing countries. One in five babies receives solid food for the first time at the age of 11 months. The recommended age for the first solid food, however, is six months, say the doctors.
Lack of food diversity affects body and mind
The report published on the occasion of the World Food Day fears that the wrong choice of food, the low frequency of meals and a lack of food diversity in this crucial time of life affect both the physical (bones and body) and cognitive development (brain growth) could. Poor nutrition at such a young age causes irreversible mental and physical damage, explains France Begin, a nutritionist with Unicef.
Balanced and varied meals are very important for children
Even in richer families, one in three children between the ages of six and eleven months suffers from a non-varied diet. In this form of nutrition, for example, important vitamins and proteins are missing. In the poorest households in Africa and South Asia, only one child in six receives well-balanced meals, the experts say. Such a balanced diet includes, for example, meat, eggs, fish and dairy products.
Healthy diet during the first two years of life should be strictly observed
The first two years of life are very important for the future physical and mental development. How is it possible for so many children to receive adequate nutrition in 2016? Asks Unicef expert France Begin. The first two years of life are an important basis for setting the course for a later life through a healthy diet. Such an opportunity should not be missed, Begin adds.
Proper nutrition could prevent about 100,000 deaths per year
The right amount and the right choice of food for babies and toddlers could prevent about 100,000 deaths per year, explain the experts. In addition, proper nutrition would also increase the cost of adult medical care and improved productivity, Unicef said.
Junk food is unhealthy and endangers the children
Another important food concern was the availability and consumption of so-called junk food. A restriction to such foods also leads to a lack of vital nutrients. These foods also contain high levels of fat, sugar and salt. Still, this kind of diet has become increasingly popular in rich and poor households, explains Begin. Even if they consume foods that are high in sugar and fat instead of healthy foods, children will not get enough nutrients from their diet. Such nutrition does not allow the affected children to grow properly. Such a child has no real chance at all, says Unicef employee France Begin. (As)