Unistudien aluminum salts in deodorants increases the risk of breast cancer

Aluminum deodorants have recently come under increased criticism in view of possible health risks. Now, a first case-control study with analysis of tissue samples has shown that deodorants with aluminum salts are a risk factor for the development of breast cancer.
In a recent study, scientists from the Medical University of Innsbruck came to the conclusion "that a very frequent use of forearm cosmetics many times a day at young age can increase the risk of developing breast cancer." Although the scientists could not prove a clear causal relationship, Caution is advised when using deodorants with aluminum salts. The researchers published their results in the journal "EbioMedicine".

Aluminum is used in many cosmetics
Aluminum salts are used inter alia in so-called antiperspirants because they have an antiperspirant effect. According to the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), however, aluminum is also used in other cosmetic products, for example as a coating of nanoparticles in sunscreens, as a color pigment in lipsticks and in the form of aluminum fluoride in toothpaste. For several years, the possible health risks of aluminum salts have been discussed, such as Alzheimer's disease or breast cancer. So far, however, the data from the study is not sufficient to make a clear assessment, so the position of the BfR.
Related to the risk of breast cancer
In the current epidemiological study, the scientists of the Medical University of Innsbruck have now examined the relationship between the risk of breast cancer and the use of deodorants with aluminum salts on the basis of 209 breast cancer patients and an equally "healthy" control group. Many women are very worried that deodorants containing aluminum salts could increase their risk of developing breast cancer later. Therefore, the researchers said they wanted to "gain more insight."
Analyzed aluminum concentration in tissue samples
In the course of the study, the subjects were first asked about the use of deodorants with aluminum salts, explains Hanno Ulmer, Director of the Section for Medical Statistics and Informatics at the Medical University of Innsbruck. In addition, the study also "for the first time examined a larger series of tissue samples from the breast for their aluminum concentration," adds Nicole Concin, Professor of Experimental Gynecology at the Innsbruck University Hospital for Gynecology and Obstetrics. Tissue samples were taken from 100 subjects during breast surgery and, in addition, the breast tissue of 52 healthy study participants was analyzed in the control group, according to Concin.
Breast cancer risk increased statistically significantly
According to the scientists, the statistical analysis of the data showed that especially women who used deodorants very frequently (several times a day) at an early age had an increased risk of breast cancer. "Although only six percent of all women surveyed belong to this group with very frequent use, our evaluations are statistically significant," emphasizes first author Caroline Linhart, from the section for medical statistics and computer science at the Medical University of Innsbruck. In addition, the researchers found that women with breast cancer have a significantly higher aluminum concentration in breast tissue than non-cancer women in the control group. This was especially true for women with tumors near the armpit.
Further investigations required
Although current study results are not definitive proof that aluminum salts are carcinogenic, there is growing evidence of a possible association with the development of breast cancer. "Further examinations are absolutely necessary", emphasizes the gynecologist Nicole Concin. For the current results are based on pure statistical correlation analyzes and there was no investigation of causal relationships. Conversely, however, there is no all-clear as far as the use of deodorants with aluminum salts is concerned, according to Hanno Ulmer.
Caution is urgently needed
Until fully clarified the importance of aluminum salts as a cancer risk factor, the scientists recommend careful handling of underarm cosmetics containing aluminum. Especially at a young age should be renounced to excessive use. The BfR represents a similar position, although the Federal Institute also points to the relatively high volumes of aluminum that consumers already consume via food. "The tolerable weekly intake is likely to be exhausted by a part of the population alone through food," said the BfR. In the case of long-term use of cosmetic products containing aluminum, the tolerable weekly intake is permanently exceeded in individual cases. (Fp)