Unisex rates Many insurance companies are attracting

Unisex tariffs: Men and women are treated as insurance rates
From December 2012, the private health insurers must offer so-called unisex tariffs. So far, women paid about 30 percent more for their private health insurance because of their gender. We show what changes with the introduction of private health insurance rates throughout the insurance industry. Because only a few new contracts are cheaper, for most new customers have to prepare for higher contributions.
Gender-specific contracts are abolished
From 21 December, the private health insurance must offer new private health insurance. The so-called unisex tariffs harmonize the contributions of women and men. So far, women had to pay 30 percent more on average in comparable tariffs. But because this is a difference in treatment, insurers are now obliged to submit equal offers.
The industry did everything to prevent the unisex tariffs. In this context, they objected that pricing would penalize women. Rather, she would always have one „differentiated risk calculation“ performed. Because women go according to statistics more often to the doctor and give birth to children on top of that. Therefore, it is legitimate to adjust the contribution cost accordingly, so the previous position of the provider. The European judges considered that to be completely different. They called the price differences for women as „incompatible with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union“. The judges joined the position of the Belgian consumer protection organization „Association Belge of the Consommateurs“ an organization similar to the Stiftung Warentest in Germany, according to which gender-specific discrimination takes place in tariff setting. (see: Gender may not determine PKV contributions). After a transitional phase, the insurance companies now only have to sell uniform gender-neutral contracts to new customers as of 21 December 2012.
Contribution increases are to be expected
This long overdue move will, in the opinion of financial experts, bring with it many side effects. For example, the consumer protection magazine Stiftung Warentest reported „Finan test“ in his current issue that the „Posts will rise from average“. Because the industry will now consider the lack of revenue with additional charges in the tariff works. In other words, private insurance is becoming more expensive, for both women and men.
Finanztest refers to a survey of the 20 largest insurance companies in Germany. Because premium increases are unpopular, nine companies responded that they were still calculating, but eleven insurers abandoned their calculation examples and made it clear that they were moving towards tariff adjustments. For example, male insured persons must already be prepared for the fact that not only health insurance will become more expensive, but also private pension insurance, Rürup pension insurance, private long-term care insurance and occupational disability insurance. While the pension insurance „sometimes significantly more expensive“, The experts expect the nursing care insurance to increase prices by up to 40 percent. In contrast, privately insured women will experience only small discounts. The foundation speaks of „only moderate price reductions“.
Unisex tariffs affecting all collective agreements
Professor Jürgen Strobel from the Institute for Insurance at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne showed himself „little surprised by the forecasts“. The unisex tariffs were according to his information only for the sex interesting, that in the chosen tariff the „bad risk“ represents. Just those „bad risks“ However, they are more expensive for insurance companies. „They have to take into account in their calculations that now may buy more of these bad risks their products and install especially for long-term contracts collateral“, stressed the insurance expert. That would inevitably affect pricing.
Women usually have to pay more for insurance
While in some fares women will see some discounts, they will not always benefit from the redesigned unisex rates. This becomes clear with the example of the risk life policy. Women who want to secure their next family members, expect up to 55 percent additional charges, as the magazine „Finanztest“ determined. The financial testers mentioned in their report expected price increases „at the Allianz and Zurich from 30 to 55 percent for women.“
In addition to the term life insurance, the accident policy for women is much more expensive. So far, companies have divided their insured into two groups at risk: in Group A and Group B. Regardless of professional life, women have always been classified as A-level. Employees from administrative and commercial departments, who statistically have fewer accident risks, usually come into this group. This should now be over from December now. Women working in higher-risk occupations should be classified in Group B at the turn of the year, as are men. To date, only men have been included in this group, who have been grouped into construction or other dangerous occupations, for example. That means much higher bonuses for the women.
Price increases for car insurance for novice drivers
Even in the car liability and auto insurance policies female novice drivers will have to pay more in the future. So far, women have had to pay less because they also cause fewer accidents than male motorists. Consumer advocates advise policyholders who want to get insurance soon to look closely at tariff developments and conditions. That applies „for women and men alike“. This applies to contracts „which will be completed before 21 December or thereafter“. For example, there is an important tip for a financial test on term life insurance: „Women who need a risk life policy should complete these before the deadline. Men should wait, because term insurance is likely to be cheaper“.
With occupational disability insurance, however, it is the other way round. According to the consumer magazine, men should take out insurance here and wait for women if possible. The occupational disability insurance could namely, according to consumer advocates for women become cheaper. Interested parties should therefore ask the respective insurance providers whether they prefer price reductions. Then be it „not necessary to continue to wait“.
Do not rush to take out insurance
As was the case even before the decision on unisex tariffs was made, it is still valid today not to be carried away by the brokers' quick wage settlements. Hastily concluded contracts can turn out to be much more expensive in retrospect. Consumer advocates warn not to complete everything that is offered or advertised. Is an occupational disability insurance for every worker virtually a „Got to“, was a term life insurance for a single person „rather superfluous“. The risk policy only makes sense if the spouse or the children are to be protected in the event of the sudden death of the sole earner. This also applies if the loan for the house has not yet been paid and the income for the living is insufficient.
Changes only apply to new contracts: Beware of contract changes
Existing customers can take note of the tariff reforms relaxed. Because the unisex tariffs apply until further notice only for the new customer contracts. Nevertheless, care is required: If existing customers want to change their old contracts, for example because the insured sum should be increased, the insurers could do so „new contract“ look at. Therefore, experts advise you to go through the contract before signing: „Only if the contract expressly includes an option for change, will the old rules continue to apply“, reminds insurance expert Strobel. Insured persons should therefore exactly „pay attention to the fine print“. (Sb)
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PKV Unisex fares hardly cheaper
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Health insurance: What changes 2016351a2cc0b08c03> Image: Barbara Eckholdt