Unisex rates Why PKV is significantly more expensive

Private health insurance: The unisex tariffs, the private health insurance rates, especially for men significantly more expensive
The introduction of unisex tariffs in private health insurance (PHI) will significantly increase contributions for male private patients. Industry experts believe that the „moving mass“ around 30 percent. Nevertheless, most insurers are covered and advertise with the deadline to sell as many legacy contracts. Potential new customers should act well considered.
From all sides it is written in big letters: „Now quickly conclude an insurance contract before the deadline“. As of 21 December 2012, providers of private health insurance may no longer sell gender-specific contracts. In fact, the contracts for men from 2013 will be significantly more expensive. Anyone who intends to change to the private funds anyway and is also a man should therefore make a timely decision. As the consumer advice but warn: „The time to compare and study the fine print should take any willing to change, even if the industry is pushing for quick conclusion of the contract“. „Because insurers love deadlines to put new customers under time pressure“.
Men will pay for women in the future
An action was brought before the European Court of Justice. Denounced were the unequal contracts between men and women. Because women live an average of seven years longer, go to the doctor more often and get pregnant, they also had to pay more for their private health insurance. This handle was, however, collected by the EU court. The EU Commission then passed a new regulation several years ago. In Germany, the statutory provisions apply from 21 December 2012. From this point on women and men must be treated equally, which means that the contracts must now be awarded gender-neutral.
But because the insurance providers do not adjust the women's insurance to men, but choose the opposite way, the men's tariffs are significantly more expensive. „I'm assuming tariff adjustment of around 30 percent“, says Steffen Neubert, insurance expert from Hannover. By that percentage, women's private insurance was on average more expensive. Incidentally, existing contracts with existing customers will not be changed despite new legal provisions.
The legislator now states that the sexes should no longer be discriminated against in the future. In reality, this means that men have to pay for health risks such as cut birth risk and women's lifespan. This means that tariffs will in principle decrease for women. „However, the result will not be very pronounced because the tariffs will also be adjusted at the turn of the year“, so Neubert. However, the industry has already announced that this year's tariff adjustments will not be as severe as in previous years. Because the insurers want to say goodbye to the so-called lock offers. The cheap offers had recently caused a lot of criticism, because just those tariffs rose the clearest and made for negative press.
A change despite deadline should be well considered
If a young, well-earning and single man plans to change from the statutory health insurance to the private health insurance, then it is urgent. The same applies to insured persons who, due to the price increases, are considering switching a tariff within the insurance company. Until the deadline, all old tariffs are still open.
To make matters worse, the statutory health insurance funds have a notice period. As a rule, this is two months. So it can happen that some will be double insured for a while to avoid unisex fares. „Some private funds offer a so-called expectancy insurance. This means that the contract for the period of the double insurance exists without health services and only becomes active when the insurance ends with the health insurance“, reports Neubert. So it pays to inform the insurer on conclusion of the contract on the possibility or to seek another provider in case of refusal.
The new prices of the unisex tariffs are still unknown
Potential customers should think twice about switching, the experts at Morgen & Morgen warn. Rashed contracts can later cause serious consequences. For example, once you have left the statutory health insurance, you can only switch back in very rare cases. „Basically, when taking out insurance should always be in the foreground: Do I need this insurance in principle?“, says Stephan Schinnenburg, Managing Director of Morgen & Morgen opposite the magazine „Focus“. Generally, those interested should be aware of the „Sale panics“ do not be pushed to a quick conclusion.
In his databases has „Tomorrow morning“ already entered the new prices for the coming year. The prices are only valid for the now known new customer rates. The independent analysts assume, however, that these are not one-to-one comparable to the old tariffs, because most private health service providers will still change the terms of contract and service catalogs. According to Schinnenburg, however, health care services should basically become better, which would have resulted in discussions with individual insurers. (Sb)
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Health insurance: What changes 2016351a2cc0b08c03> Image: Ronny Richert