Health News - Page 214

Recover trust in organ donation - reduce transplant centers

Barmer GEK calls for fewer transplant centersThe organ donation scandals of recent years have had an extremely adverse effect on...

Confidence in naturalness Practical tips for breastfeeding

Lactation Consultant: Practical advice for nursing mothersNew parents are often still unsure, which is good for their offspring. Is the...

Experiments on mice without benefit

Mouse trials almost without significance 02/13/2013 In many cases, the medical significance of animal studies has been questioned in the...

Enhanced Immune Responses Intestinal bacteria can trigger autoimmune diseases

Immune System Response: Intestinal bacteria can trigger autoimmune diseases In a recent study, it has been shown that specific intestinal...

Increased spread of serious infectious diseases due to global warming

Climate change creates new diseases The tropical physician Emil Reisinger from Rostock warns: The higher temperatures caused by climate change...

Deceased seed bank boss should be father of at least 19 children

The late seed bank director is probably the father of over 19 childrenA now deceased Dutchman, who ran a sperm...

Constipation in children Do not wait too long!

If the child suffers from constipation: Do not wait, but quickly to the specialistThe stool works only in pain and...

Hidden hunger by Hartz IV

Millions of people in Germany suffer from hidden hungerDoctors are sounding the alarm: There is a "hidden hunger" in Germany....

Hidden Glue White Not only bread contains gluten

Croquettes, Sweets and Co: Gluten is not just in breadThose who suffer from celiac disease (gluten intolerance), must avoid gluten-containing...