Hidden Glue White Not only bread contains gluten

Hidden Glue White Not only bread contains gluten / Health News
Croquettes, Sweets and Co: Gluten is not just in bread
Those who suffer from celiac disease (gluten intolerance), must avoid gluten-containing foods. But many products contain the gluten-free white, without this being recognizable on the list of ingredients. Help here is the symbol of the crossed out ear of wheat.

Health impairment in celiac disease
It is estimated that about every 800th German suffers from gluten intolerance (celiac disease). It is a chronic disease of the small intestine, which is caused by a lifelong intolerance to the Gluten gluten. Affected individuals are damaged by the intake of gluten intestinal villi. Typical symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating and a fatty stool. It can also lead to serious disturbances in the intake of nutrients.

People with celiac disease (gluten intolerance) should avoid gluten-containing foods. The gluten-free white is not only contained in bread, but also hides in many other foods. (Image: Marco2811 / fotolia.com)

Glue white hides in many processed foods
Therapy is currently not available. Only a strict avoidance of gluten whitening can help. But gluten is not only found in cereals like wheat, spelled, rye or barley - it can also be found in many other processed foods. For example, in dumplings or croquettes, as the Association for Independent Health Care (UGB) reported in his journal "UGBforum special".

Even in teas gluten can be included
"The food industry also uses gluten in isolation for stabilization, emulsification and above all as a carrier of spices and aromas. So it happens that both potato chips and popcorn can contain gluten. Sausages and even flavored teas cause great problems, "writes the UGB on its website. Gluten can also be found in cream cheese preparations, sweets or frozen vegetables with added flour.

Symbol helps those affected when shopping
Although supermarkets now have a large assortment of products that contain no gluten, they are often not easy to spot. Help is provided here by the symbol of the crossed-out ear of wheat, which stands for gluten-free food. The symbol is awarded by the German Celiac Society (DZG).

According to the experts, only products that "do not exceed the statutory limit of 20 milligrams of gluten per kilogram (20 ppm)" must bear the symbol of the crossed out ear of corn. These can be consumed without hesitation by those affected. "(Ad)