Hidden hunger by Hartz IV

Hidden hunger by Hartz IV / Health News

Millions of people in Germany suffer from hidden hunger
Doctors are sounding the alarm: There is a "hidden hunger" in Germany. Affected are millions of adults and children. The reason: The Hartz IV control services are barely sufficient to feed fully and nutritionally from a nutritional point of view. The consequences are fatal, especially for children: growth and developmental disorders as well as sometimes serious illnesses can arise from malnutrition.

No acute hunger but nutrient deficiency
Nobody is hungry in Germany, is the common opinion of many experts and politicians. But nutritionists sound the alarm. "Many people in Germany are suffering from hidden hunger," warns the nutritionist Konrad Biesalski from the University of Hohenheim to the "Tagesspiegel am Sonntag". Especially children who have to live by Hartz IV are affected. They often lack important nutrients.

Because the rule sets barely enough, many sufferers have to resort to cheap ready-made food. Thus, from financial hardship and the increasing degree of industrialization of food malnutrition. "It's not just about getting full, it's about staying healthy," explains Biesalski.

The expert referred in his remarks to detailed studies of the Food and Agriculture Organization FAO. According to their findings, vitamin and mineral deficiencies lead to growth disorders and diseases. This circumstance was also economically bad. Due to the poor development later in life, those affected need social benefits such as Hartz IV. Although this problem was briefly touched on in the Federal Government's poverty report, precise analyzes and countermeasures would be missing.

500 Euro standard rate
One approach is the immediate increase in Hartz IV benefits, calling for unemployed and social organizations. Thus, independent experts have calculated that 500 euros instead of 399 euros corner rate per month would be enough to protect the health of children and adults. (Sb)

Image: Melling liudmila