Constipation - causes and home remedies

Constipation - causes and home remedies / symptoms

Constipation as a side effect of modern lifestyle

Constipation is delayed or painful defecation at low frequency of at most three to four times a week and is usually associated with hard, dry stools. Both as an expression of an underlying organic disease and chronic dysfunction, the constipation is accompanied by (latent) digestive problems with abdominal discomfort (bloating, pressure), bloating, loss of appetite and rapid fatigue.

The prolonged intake of laxatives, which creates relief in the short term, ultimately leads to a vicious cycle that aggravates the suffering. Although chronic constipation is likely to promote the development of colorectal cancer and hemorrhoids, it is generally not considered a high-level disease.


  • Constipation as a side effect of modern lifestyle
  • Constipation: definition and symptoms
  • Characteristic of chronic constipation
  • Unilateral diet and lack of exercise
  • Laxatives can increase discomfort
  • Organic causes of constipation
  • Treatment for constipation
  • Important: change of habits
  • Self-treatment with proven home remedies for constipation

Constipation: definition and symptoms

Almost everyone sometimes has difficulty defecating. A typical example is holiday travel ("journey constipation"), because many people need some time for this, so that the digestive system can get used to the new conditions, heat, exotic foods, etc. It is characterized by a difficult, delayed and rare defecation, a hard bowel movement and associated abdominal and anal pain. Despite the unpleasant discomfort, such temporary constipation is usually harmless and literally "dissolves" after a few days.

Constipation is usually extremely painful for those affected. (Image: pathdoc /

Hormonal changes during menopause or pregnancy, surgery, feverish illnesses, prolonged bed rest or shift work also often lead to acute constipation. The symptoms usually start suddenly in these cases and are short-lived.

If they persist for a long time, a doctor should definitely be consulted for clarification. This is especially true when parallel symptoms such as fever, a hard stomach, acute abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting occur. Because this could be evidence of a bowel obstruction - a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention.

Characteristic of chronic constipation

It can also be problematic if the constipation is chronic. This is not always easy to define because how often someone has a bowel movement can be very different from person to person. Mostly, however, it takes place at least three times a week - which therefore, from the expert's point of view, is the guideline value for the "normal case".

Physicians therefore generally speak of a chronic constipation, if less than three times a week defecation takes place, it must be pressed strong and the chair is hard and lumpy. Other key symptoms for chronic constipation are the feeling that the intestine is not properly deflated or the intestinal outlet is blocked. Partly must also be helped manually to remove the stuck fecal stones.

Unilateral diet and lack of exercise

The most common constipation is a chronic malfunction of the intestine, which can be traced back to a lifestyle characterized by sedentary lifestyle, a lack of fluids, a low-fiber diet and increased stress (chronic habitual constipation). In predominantly sedentary posture, many hours are spent at the workplace, "footpaths" are easily done by car, and regular sports activities often end.

Many people suffer from digestive problems due to sitting for hours, lack of exercise, stress and unfavorable exercise. (Image: Elnur /

Unilateral diet with inadequate drinking, extract flour, sugar, stimulants, ready meals, dairy products, a lot of meat but few vegetables and fruits do not provide the intestine movement stimulus and make it sluggish. Constant pressure of time and success, both at home and at work, affect the autonomic nervous system, burden the psyche and can also cause constipation (irritable bowel syndrome, depression).

Laxatives can increase discomfort

The long-term use of laxatives (Laxanzienabusus) should compensate for the consequences, especially by promoting the intestinal movement. However, the resulting potassium deficiency (hypokalaemia) paradoxically increases the intestinal sluggishness. In addition, further side effects such as colonization of the intestinal flora, the decline of the intestinal mucosa, liver damage and an increased risk of osteoporosis due to calcium deficiency (hypocalcaemia) are to be expected.

Organic causes of constipation

The organic causes of a chronic constipation are especially the hormonal change in pregnancy, hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus worth mentioning. Heavy metal poisoning (lead, thallium) is also a possibility, especially after taking medicines such as antibiotics.

If the symptoms suddenly appear, it is therefore necessary first to rule out serious organic diseases. If constipation and diarrhea change, very thin stools ("pencil stool"), blood in the stool (bloody deposits), involuntary stool loss or sudden weight loss can be the indication of a colon cancer.

Other organically induced triggers for acute constipation include colon polyps, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, bowel obstruction (mechanical ileus), or intestinal paralysis (paralytic ileus), e.g. after operations, colic, inflammation in the abdominal and pelvic area (appendicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pancreatitis) and feverish diseases. Hereditary or constitutional predisposition are also suspected.

Treatment for constipation

The treatment of digestive problems occurs depending on the cause and specific symptoms. If the symptoms are caused by an underlying disease, such as underlying hypothyroidism or diabetes, will focus on the therapy of these. For example, if certain medications are the trigger, the doctor will consider an alternative dosage or withdrawal of funds.

Generally, non-surgical (conservative) measures are usually used to treat constipation. Surgery (such as partial removal of the large intestine) is only possible if, despite extensive examinations, no treatable cause has been identified or no success has been achieved with conservative treatment.

Important: change of habits

Unless a condition requiring treatment is responsible for the condition, blockages can usually only be remedied over the long term if certain lifestyle and dietary habits are changed.

In addition to adequate exercise is important to switch to a wholefood diet with a high content of fiber, as these cause the chair swells and the sluggish colon wall is stimulated to stronger movements. At the same time, care should be taken to ensure adequate drinking, as the stool is softened again due to the increased water content.

In order to get a grip on chronic constipation, a high-fiber diet is particularly important. (Image: cook_inspire /

Dietary fiber is found in cereals and cereal products, e.g. Wholemeal bread, whole wheat pasta and wholegrain rice included. Similarly, other vegetable foods such as fruits, vegetables and legumes (e.g., lentils, peas, white beans) are high in content. Among the particularly rich vegetables include tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, carrots, fennel, radishes and corn salad. For example, when it comes to fruit, grapes, pineapples, blueberries, bananas and apples have a lot of fiber.

Self-treatment with proven home remedies for constipation

Flaxseed and psyllium or wheat bran are considered a proven home remedy for constipation, as they stimulate digestion and soften the stool. The prerequisite for this, however, is that the seeds are taken together with plenty of liquid (at least 200 ml each). If this does not happen, it can lead to an increase in symptoms or even intestinal obstruction.

A hot water bottle or a glass of lukewarm water after getting up can have a stimulating effect on the intestinal activity. Those who are prone to digestive disorders, especially under stress, and who are constantly "running at full speed", should take enough time and rest to relax. To relieve tension and achieve more balance, stress reduction techniques such as autogenic training or yoga can be a valuable support.

Radical or dandelion juice (health food) is another helpful home remedy for removing, one spoon of which mixed with a little water is drunk three times a day after a meal. Hot water, mixed with a tablespoon of cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey, can also help with constipation. (updated on 9.8.2016; jvs, nr)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)