Recognize hidden calorie traps of the summer

Recognize hidden calorie traps of the summer / Health News
Ice cream, fruit with cream, tomato mozzarella and extensive barbecues are typical calorie traps in summer
Many Germans are struggling with sports and dieting to achieve the perfect beach figure in the summer, but hidden calorie traps can easily put a stop to this. The ice cream in between, the hearty barbecue, the delicious soft drink or even the supposedly low-calorie tomato-mozzarella salad ensure that the lost kilograms quickly return. The news agency "dpa" has put together an overview of the typical calorie traps of the summer, which shows which food should be enjoyed only extremely limited.

The calorie traps lurk everywhere in the summer and should be avoided as much as possible in order to keep the developed beach figure, so the message of the "dpa". Many sweet and calorie-rich seductions are especially to be found during the summer months, such as when visiting the ice cream parlor or the evening barbecue. The daily amount of calorie intake is significantly increased by them and possibly form increasing fat pads on the stomach, legs and buttocks.

Ice is one of the most popular treats in the summer, although not all types of ice cream make calorie bombs. (Image: Christian Schwier /

Ice cream does not always have to be a calorie bomb
Ice is extremely popular with Germans during the summer. According to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), around eight liters of ice cream per year are consumed per capita on average in Germany. The calorie content of the different ice creams is quite different. For example, the classic milk ice cream is a veritable calorie bomb, while fruit ice has significantly fewer calories. For example, the DGE quotes the calorie content of a ball of chocolate milk ice cream at around 170 kilocalories, whereas lemon sorbet, according to DGE, contains only 90 kilocalories per ball. As a healthy and fresh alternative, "dpa" recommends homemade water ice made from pureed fruits, water and honey or agave syrup in its current article. Basically, the DGE advises not to snack ice cream on the side, but to deliberately schedule it as a dessert, as otherwise superfluous calories are absorbed quickly. In the case of ready-made ice, the packaging gives information about the type of ice cream or the sugar, fat and energy content. Furthermore, light or diet ice cream from the fridge offers a good way to save calories. However, caution should be exercised here as more is eaten quickly and the positive effect is lost.

Avoid alcoholic soft drinks
Another hidden fattening in summer, according to the "dpa" alcoholic soft drinks such as Aperol Spritz, Hugo or Campari Orange. At every corner, these would be offered in the summer, in particular, the drinks mentioned contain a relatively large number of calories. However, the cyclist as a mixture of beer and lemonade is also attributable to the calorie traps of summer. With significantly fewer calories, however, come from a white wine spritzer, for example. Overall, however, alcohol forms a significant source of energy and is not suitable for thirst quenching, so the conclusion of the DGE.

Consume pure fruit and refrain from cream or mascarpone
Fruit is also popular with many people in summer, although there is generally little objection to the increased consumption of local fruits such as strawberries or rhubarb. But the seasonal fruit is usually served in combination with cream or mascarpone, in creamy cocktails or as a summery fruit tart, according to the announcement of the "dpa". This increases the calorie intake considerably. Better the fruits should therefore be enjoyed pure. If sweetening is required, this can be done with agave syrup or maple syrup as a sugar substitute. In addition to direct consumption, fruits and vegetables can also be processed into smoothies, whereby a good smoothie can replace up to two portions of fruit or vegetables per day, for example when traveling or when fresh products are not available, reports the DGE.

Tomato mozzarella contains a relatively large amount of calories
Salads seem to be particularly well suited for the low-calorie diet in summer, but there are definitely clear exceptions. For example, the popular tomato mozzarella salad is by no means low in calories. In fact, Italian cheese contains a lot of fat, according to the dpa. In a ball buffalo mozzarella on average about 300 calories are included. Here, the impression of the salad could be deceiving. Therefore, tomato mozzarella should be understood as a substantial main course and not as a side dish, reports the news agency. In addition, light products with less fat could be a good alternative.

Also pay attention to the calories at the barbecue
Barbecuing is an essential part of the summer for most Germans, and here too many fatteners end up on the grill. At the cozy barbecue with the neighbors or the barbecue with friends should therefore be paid to the selection of meat. To avoid excessive calorie intake, fatty sausages and pork chops are limited, reports the "dpa". Instead, choose especially light poultry or lamb. For variety, the use of vegetables such as eggplant, zucchini or peppers during grilling can provide. The sauces form according to the announcement of the "dpa" significant calorie bombs, which is why ketchup and Co. lighter, homemade alternatives with yogurt or cottage cheese are recommended. Those who know the hidden calorie traps of the summer can avoid them altogether by making light adjustments to their eating habits, and yet they do not have to do without culinary treats. (Fp)