Enhanced Immune Responses Intestinal bacteria can trigger autoimmune diseases

Enhanced Immune Responses Intestinal bacteria can trigger autoimmune diseases / Health News

Immune System Response: Intestinal bacteria can trigger autoimmune diseases

In a recent study, it has been shown that specific intestinal bacteria trigger an immune system reaction that may in certain cases lead to autoimmune diseases. The discovered mechanism could help to develop a new approach to chronic inflammatory bowel disease and other autoimmune diseases.

Intestinal bacteria have a big impact on our health

Intestinal bacteria play an important role in our health. Among other things, they prevent infections and signal to the immune system what it should fight. In addition, they support digestion and can help against obesity. However, according to researchers, some intestinal bacteria are also triggers of the yo-yo effect and can cause overweight. And a study by the University of Bern (Switzerland) and the University of Calgary (Canada) has now shown that specific intestinal bacteria trigger an immune system reaction, which in some cases can lead to autoimmune diseases.

Researchers have found that certain intestinal bacteria trigger an immune system reaction, which in some cases can lead to autoimmune diseases. (Image: Alex / fotolia.com)

New treatment options for autoimmune diseases

Researchers led by Andrew Macpherson and Kathy McCoy from the Department of BioMedical Research (DBMR) and the University Department of Visceral Surgery and Medicine at Bern University Hospital have discovered a function of gut bacteria that plays a key role in inflammatory bowel disease.

Together with researchers from the University of Calgary, Canada, they describe a new mechanism in intestinal bacteria that regulates pro-inflammatory cells.

"For the first time, it has been demonstrated that special gut bacteria affect the immune system and thus autoimmune diseases," said Andrew Macpherson in a statement.

This opens up new therapeutic options for autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The study was published in the journal "Cell"

Too strong immune reaction

So-called bacteroids, a special form of intestinal bacteria, live in symbiosis with humans and with mammals.

They produce a specific protein, integrase, which prevents chronic inflammatory bowel disease by alerting white blood cells and destroying cells that can cause chronic inflammatory bowel disease.

"We suspect this mechanism prevents most people from developing these diseases," said Kathy McCoy.

However, there is a downside to this "alerting" by the protein integrase: in some people, the white blood cells shoot beyond the target in their fight against cells that could cause IBD.

This excessive immune reaction finally triggers intestinal diseases. Other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes are caused by an overreaction of white blood cells.

"Power" of the intestinal bacteria use

"By demonstrating how Integrase affects the immune system, it becomes clear for the first time how intestinal bacteria affect chronic inflammatory bowel disease," McCoy said.

"We have specifically studied IBD, but it is probable that there are other proteins in the gut that function similarly to integrase and other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes," added Francesca Ronchi of the DBMR and Island Hospital, co-lead author of the study.

Such proteins could be used to harness the "power" of intestinal bacteria and to fight against chronic inflammatory bowel disease and other autoimmune diseases. (Ad)