Recover trust in organ donation - reduce transplant centers

Recover trust in organ donation - reduce transplant centers / Health News
Barmer GEK calls for fewer transplant centers
The organ donation scandals of recent years have had an extremely adverse effect on the willingness to donate organs. Here, it is important to regain the confidence of the population, as the reference of Barmer GEK. According to the health insurance company, the number of transplant centers in Germany should be significantly reduced.

In order to increase the quality in transplantation medicine and to increase transparency, Barmer GEK believes that a significant reduction of the transplant centers should take place. "We do not need 50 but a maximum of 20 transplant centers in Germany", emphasizes Bernd Heinemann, Chairman of the Barmer Board of Directors. In centers with professional structures and a high transplant frequency, quality and transparency are guaranteed more than anywhere else.

According to the Barmer GEK, the number of transplant centers should be reduced, also to regain the trust of the population. (Image: s4svisuals /

Loss of trust leads to a decline in organ donation
The transplant scandals of the past were a major step backwards for transplantation medicine. Organ donation is a matter of trust, emphasizes Bernd Heinemann. And the trust was lost in the wake of the scandals, which resulted in significantly lower donor numbers. At present, more than 10,000 seriously ill people are waiting for a donor organ, whereas in 2016 there were only 857 organ donors, reports the Barmer GEK, citing the figures of the German Foundation for Organ Transplantation. In 2010, the number was still at 1,296 organ donations.

Raise minimum quantity of transplants in the centers
With the concentration of transplantation medicine in highly specialized centers, in the opinion of the Chairman of the Barmer Board, lost confidence of the population in organ donation can be regained. For example, one possible selection criterion for these centers is the experience that clinics have in the transplantation of organs. An increase in the minimum quantities for transplants set by the Federal Joint Committee could contribute to this. In the future, only centers that meet these minimum levels are likely to carry out transplants.

Organ donor card is required
Basically "one can stand for organ donation, as one wants. Anyone should fill out an appropriate ID card ", emphasizes Heinemann. After all, in the organ donation card, for example, a negative attitude can also be documented, and the ID card saves the relatives a serious decision in the event of a possible withdrawal of organs. "I have also made important comments in my ID card," says Heinemann. (Fp)