Confidence in naturalness Practical tips for breastfeeding

Confidence in naturalness Practical tips for breastfeeding / Health News
Lactation Consultant: Practical advice for nursing mothers
New parents are often still unsure, which is good for their offspring. Is the baby sleeping long enough? Is it screaming too much? How long should the baby be breastfed? These and other questions are encountered again and again by experts. A lactation consultant has some practical advice for the mother and child team.

What is good for the offspring??
Couples who have become parents for the first time tend to concentrate fully on the baby in the first few weeks. The apartment is designed for children, visits are available, baby clothes are provided. It is also important to find out about what is good for the offspring. Should you let the baby scream for a good night's sleep? Does the little one cry too much? Is it enough sleep? Is the child spoiled too much? Dagmar Brauer has known such and similar questions for decades. The 50-year-old works as a breastfeeding consultant.

Couples who became parents for the first time are often uncertain about what is best for their offspring. A breastfeeding advisor has important advice ready. (Image: juan_aunion /

Many changes in recent years
Ms. Brauer is one of nine breastfeeding consultants at the University Hospital Leipzig. Your roster also provides time for discussions with the patients. According to the expert, much has changed in medicine, technology and society in recent decades. "But nothing really has changed in the interaction between mother and child," says Brauer in a press release from the clinic.

Patience is needed
According to Brauer, it takes patience, "so that when breastfeeding mother and child as a team to each other. A screaming child does not arise in the first days of life. There can not be too much sleep at the beginning. And the close relationship between mother and child is being built up in the first few hours. "So everything is fine," even if breastfeeding does not work out right away, the child cries a lot or sleeps a lot and is often with the mother. " According to the pediatric nurse, this must be communicated to women just as clearly.

Two hours of screaming is normal
This is similar to other experts. For example, not all babies who cry more often a day for a long time, according to the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ), from a medical point of view as a writing baby. Two hours of screaming a day is quite normal for the little ones in the first weeks of life and not a cause for concern.

"Trust in the naturalness"
"Of course today's women have a great deal of knowledge through books and especially the internet," said Brauer. "But in our technological world, the confidence in the naturalness and the own body is lost to my impression. What has worked for women for millennia will still work today. "But patience is needed. For example, the breast as a donor in breast milk is not a machine that can be switched on at the push of a button. "No, it sometimes needs some emphasis on the mother and intense needs in the baby."

Mother and child have to come together as a team
From their experience, many women - despite other intentions - quickly turn to milk replacement food. "It really is a challenge for mother and child. Because both have to come together as a team. The source must be tapped - it takes a while for the chest to adjust. And then the source must be used regularly, otherwise it will dry up, "says Brauer.

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of death
"Too bad that many mothers give up after a short while, even though they were so highly motivated in the beginning. The young women unfortunately rely more on the technology and the finished products than their own body, "said the lactation consultant. And that can harm the health of the offspring. More recently, UNICEF researchers have reported that extended breastfeeding after childbirth reduces the risk of death for babies. In addition, breastfeeding makes intelligent, as Brazilian researchers found in a study.

Practical instructions
The repertoire of the breastfeeding consultant Dagmar Brauer includes practical instructions from nursing positions to the use of the breastpump. "These electric Intervallmilchpumpen, so the term, you can also rent," said the nurse. (Ad)