Health News - Page 1406

Tissue patch therapy for the heart after infarcts

Researchers are developing new tissue patch for the heart 05/04/2013 It still seems a futuristic dream, but researchers are in...

Tissue for artificial vagina

04/11/2014 A very rare and congenital disorder is the "Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome". In this female patients have no or only an...

Domestic violence has a strong negative impact on adolescents

Physicians are studying the effects of violence on the social behavior of children Children and adolescents are strongly influenced by...

Violence by sugary soft drinks?

Study: Increased violence with high consumption of soft drinks 10/26/2011 Teenagers who consume many sugary soft drinks tend to be...

GEW expert warns of too high pressure to perform

Stress among students: GEW expert warns of too high pressure 31.01.2011 More and more students suffer from stress symptoms and...

Separate ways KKH alliance and alliance PKV

KKH Allianz and Allianz Private Krankenversicherung go their separate ways 30.01.2012 The health insurance KKH-Allianz and Allianz Private Krankenversicherung announced...

Cereals These cereal mixes are the best for your health

Health-promoting potential: oats and barley in cerealMany German citizens come in the morning a delicious cereal on the breakfast table....

Tested advertising massively influences the eating habits of children

Test commercials affect children's eating habitsUp to 40,000 commercials a year watch children while watching TV. Many of them advertise...

Are Omega-3 fatty acid capsules really suitable for a healthy diet?

Dietary supplements: How useful is the intake of omega-3 fatty acid capsules? Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy and vital in...