Separate ways KKH alliance and alliance PKV

Separate ways KKH alliance and alliance PKV / Health News

KKH Allianz and Allianz Private Krankenversicherung go their separate ways


The health insurance KKH-Allianz and Allianz Private Krankenversicherung announced today that they would go their separate ways at the end of the year. In addition, the health insurance fund will no longer be called the KKH alliance from 2013 onwards. However, a new name is not known yet.

Separation of a promising cooperation
„KKH-Allianz and Allianz Private Krankenversicherung have decided to terminate their cooperation by mutual agreement on December 31 of this year. The mutual expectations of the cooperation partners have only partially been fulfilled in view of the existing legal and political framework conditions“, It was said in a press release today. This separates a promising cooperation. Because both had set themselves high goals. Especially in the field of supply management, the good cooperation should prove itself. In addition to the control of resources and costs, common solutions for concrete care offers should be created. KKH Alliance spokeswoman Daniela Preußner explains: „The idea was good, but due to the more difficult political conditions we could not implement them as we wanted.“ In addition, lay an important reason for the separation in the extended margins for own products, which would have the coffers now.

From next year, the KKH alliance will also have a different name. But according to Preußner, this is not yet clear. As of April 1, 2009, Kaufmännische Krankenkasse Hannover merged with Allianz BKK. Subsequently, on July 1, 2009, joined the Metro AG Kaufhof BKK.

KKH alliance seeks new partner
According to Preußner, the KKH alliance with its approximately 1.8 million insured persons will seek a new private partner: „It will be about a normal sales cooperation and not about ambitious goals such as a gearing. "Wilfried Jacobs, head of the AOK Rheinland / Hamburg explains the reason for the end of the cooperation: „The partners went to cooperation with much too high expectations.“ In his opinion, the ideas of a common supply management were not realistic. In addition, he criticized the reference to the legal and political framework as one of the reasons for the separation: „In this respect, not much has changed in the last three years. "(Ag)

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The KKH alliance wants to abolish additional contribution
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Image: Claudia Hautumm