Cereals These cereal mixes are the best for your health

Cereals These cereal mixes are the best for your health / Health News
Health-promoting potential: oats and barley in cereal
Many German citizens come in the morning a delicious cereal on the breakfast table. The fruits and fiber contained therein ensure a healthy start to the day. German researchers now want to scientifically substantiate the health aspect of different cereals in Müslis.

A healthy start to the day
For many Germans, the day starts with a delicious muesli with lots of fruit and fiber-rich cereal flakes. Oats and barley are two cereals that are more commonly used in cereals. Their high content of beta-glucan (a soluble fiber) has the potential to contribute to the prevention of nutrition-related diseases such as diabetes, colon cancer or cardiovascular diseases. Nutritionists at the University of Jena are now exploring this potential in a new research project.

The cereals oats and barley can contribute to the prevention of diet-related diseases. German researchers now want to explore this potential in a new study. (Image: Timmary / fotolia.com)

Health-promoting potential of barley and oats
Health and nutrition experts point repeatedly to take enough fiber. The healthy fibers help to stimulate digestion and prevent constipation.

The morning cereal is a meal through which many dietary fiber can be taken. The flakes contained in it are among others from barley and oats.

Nutritionists at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena are now working on the health-promoting potential of these two crops.

To roast without loss of ingredients
Prof. Dr. Michael Glei, who is working on the new research project together with his colleague Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Lorkowski, explained in a statement from the university: "We want to establish roasting conditions for these cereals, which lead to sensory-quality products."

"When roasting, the properties should be improved without losing any of the ingredients," Dr. Wiebke Schlörmann, who joined the study together with Dr. Ing. Christine Dawczynski will perform.

As stated in the communication published on the website of the "Informationsdienst Wissenschaft" (idw), initial pilot studies have produced good results, with scientists actually breaking new ground with roasting.

Positive effects on gut health
Among the most important ingredients with health-promoting properties is the β-glucan (beta-glucan), a long-chain polysaccharide.

This fiber passes undigested into the large intestine where it is fermented by bacteria, resulting in short-chain fatty acids, among other things.

"The substances produced during fermentation have positive effects on intestinal health," said Dr. Schlör man. However, it must be ensured that the positive effects are not lost by roasting.

The project will also investigate the short- and long-term effects of a diet high in barley and oat products. Muesli and bread rolls with oat and barley flakes are already eaten with pleasure, according to the message. The Jena researchers want to underpin this popularity scientifically with their study.

Health-promoting effect of oats
Some of the positive effects have already been demonstrated in previous studies. For example, the European Food Safety Authority confirmed years ago that eating beta-glucan from oats can help reduce cholesterol levels.

In addition, oat oats - the pharmaceutical plant of the year 2017 - can help to prevent diabetes and relieve skin diseases.

And Canadian scientists have recently discovered that oatmeal can lower unfavorable blood lipids. (Ad)