GEW expert warns of too high pressure to perform

GEW expert warns of too high pressure to perform / Health News

Stress among students: GEW expert warns of too high pressure


More and more students suffer from stress symptoms and pressure to perform. The school expert of the union for education and science (GEW), Marianne Demmer, warns therefore against high demands and pressure on children and youth in the schools and in the families. In some places, the race for good grades is already hysterical, Demmer said in an interview with the magazine „Super Illu“. This burdened students and parents alike. The result: many children become ill as a result. GEW vice-president warned against adopting certain educational styles that encourage performance. From the United States is currently sloshing "the high song of the Drills to peak performance by means of inhumane methods of education over to us," said the expert.

It would be better to teach the students to try out their democratic behavior and, moreover, to develop "self-discipline and the joy of learning, to test themselves playfully in order to grow up physically and mentally healthy." There is no need for a sustained discussion about better performance and more discipline. Rather, educators and parents should look to ensure the children a healthy and harmonious growing up.

Last week, the Forsa Institute published study results as more and more students were experiencing physical and emotional distress due to stress. One in two children and one in two adolescents claimed to suffer from the pressure to perform and school stress. The fear of bad grades plays a major role. (Sb)

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Picture: Gerd Altmann