Domestic violence has a strong negative impact on adolescents

Domestic violence has a strong negative impact on adolescents / Health News

Physicians are studying the effects of violence on the social behavior of children

Children and adolescents are strongly influenced by their social environment when they grow up. Not only one's own family, but also the neighborhood can have a negative influence on the social behavior of the affected children. Researchers have now found that violence in the neighborhood has a strong negative impact on social behavior.

Violence in the neighborhood has a negative effect on the social behavior of children and adolescents. The scientists of the University of Basel found in their investigation that this negative influence occurs even if the children were previously diagnosed with no abnormal behavior. The experts published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Frontiers of Behavioral Neuroscience".

When children are confronted with violence in their neighborhood, it increases the risk of developing social disorder. (Image: highwaystarz /

Violence is associated with antisocial behavior

During the investigation, the physicians found that even wholesome children and adolescents are adversely affected by violence within their neighborhood. The research team led by Linda Kersten and Christina Stadler from the University of Basel has been able to show that increased violence in the living environment of children and adolescents is associated with antisocial behavior.

Many children suffer from the effects of brawls

Experiences experienced in connection with violence were mainly children or adolescents themselves, or even observed fights. Furthermore, persecution or threats have a negative impact on the psyche of the adolescent. The study results of the study also show that the connection between experiences of violence and antisocial behavior is not solely due to the local environment. It is not sufficient explanation that such socially disturbed youth predominantly live in areas where increased violence prevails.

Experts examined almost 1,200 children

For their study, the scientists from Basel examined a total of 1,178 children and adolescents. The participants were at the time of the examination between the ages of 9 and 18 years. The subjects came from seven different countries in Europe. In 662 of the adolescents participating in the study, no disturbance of social behavior could be diagnosed.

Violence experiences trigger a true vicious circle

The findings from the study could help to develop prevention programs in the future to protect affected children from the negative effects on the psyche. Especially in areas with high rates of violence and crime such programs are extremely important. Only then can the vicious circle of violence and violence be broken, the authors explain.

Impact of social disorder in later life

According to the study occurring disturbances of the social behavior are the most frequent causes for a registration in psychiatric specialized places for children and youth. Affected children are at an increased risk of early school leaving and poor job integration. Such children and adolescents also develop mental illnesses more often in the course of their lives or they become criminal, the scientists add. (As)