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Health News - Page 1407
Divided blood banana photos HIV contaminated blood splatters in bananas?
HIV blood in bananas? Beware of fake messages that spread fear and terror!Social networks are currently sharing images of "bleeding...
Camouflaged nanoparticles against cancer
Cancer therapy: Chemotherapies could be significantly improved by camouflaged nanoparticles 06/21/2011 Cancer therapy could be significantly improved by the use...
Health Care Natural Vitamin C provides protection against cataracts
Nutrition with high levels of vitamin C can protect us from clouding the eye lensAs people get older, the likelihood...
Health status of Germans worsened
Health Barometer 2011 registers a deterioration in health 29/06/2011 The health status of the population in Germany has deteriorated significantly...
Health Warning Why raw poultry should never be washed
Health experts warn: Do not wash raw poultry meat It is sometimes suggested that poultry meat should be thoroughly washed...
Health Warning Legal Highs Drugs
Legal highs endanger health Drug commissioners and police authorities are warning of the health consequences of the commercially available legal...
Health Warning Bubble Tea
Consumer Center Bavaria warns of additives 05/30/2012 The consumer center Bavaria warns of possible health risks through the fashion drink...
Health Warning Do not combine goji berries with blood thinners
Superfood not for everyone: Do not combine goji berries with blood thinnersGoji berries have been booming for years. The small...
Health Warning Organic Bitter apricot kernels have excessive cyanogenic acidity
Organic bakery warns against the consumption of bitter apricot kernels The organic bakery Spiegelhauer from the Saxon Pirna warns against...
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