Health News - Page 1355

Hartz IV additional contribution despite social assistance

Verdict: additional contribution despite social assistance 06/08/2011 Even those who receive social assistance (basic insurance in old age and incapacity...

Hartz IV additional contribution 2011 deleted

As of 2011, recipients of Hartz IV benefits do not have to pay any additional contributions for their health insurance....

Hartz IV Pursuit of Sick through Jobcenter?

Scandalous prosecution of sick Hartz IV recipients through job center 08/04/2013 With a new internal directive from the Federal Employment...

Hartz IV judgment entitled to full costs of PKV

Hartz IV beneficiaries are entitled to take over the full costs of a private health insurance (PKV). This was decided...

Hartz IV Üstra extends escort service

Üstra extends escort service with a one-euro jobber 19/06/2011 The Hanoverian public transport companies „üstra“ extend the escort service for...

Hartz IV Debt relief for private insured

Ministry of Health agrees with the Association of Private Health Insurance on a debt relief for Hartz IV recipients 18/08/2011...

Hartz IV debt relief for PKV insured persons

PKV issues the debt of Hartz IV recipients on application 04/19/2012 The private health insurance companies (PKV) have agreed with...

Hartz IV debts by health insurance

Hartz IV: Debt through health insurance 03/03/2011 Hartz IV recipients must pay additional contributions from the statutory health insurance and...

Hartz IV sanctions against pregnant women right?

The federal government sees no legal violations of the job center when pregnant women of Hartz IV rule set is...