Hartz IV debt relief for PKV insured persons

Hartz IV debt relief for PKV insured persons / Health News

PKV issues the debt of Hartz IV recipients on application


The private health insurance companies (PKV) have agreed with the Federal Ministry of Health to issue a debt relief for privately insured debtors in Hartz IV reference. The decree applies to contribution debts from the years 2009 until the end of 2011. This was announced by the ministry in its current newsletter „Health policy information“ With. However, an informal application must first be received by the insurer for a clean up of the debt account.

The private funds have agreed with the federal government to waive the debt for recipients of Hartz IV benefits. In return, the federal government has agreed to take over immediately the full coverage of a base rate of privately insured Hartz IV recipients. Previously, recipients of basic benefits and social assistance only received a share from the job centers. The rest - about half - had the affected people from the current unemployment benefit II-rule benefits deny. The result was that most of the insured massively indebted to their providers and were only awarded an emergency care.

Federal Social Court declared previous practice as unlawful
It was preceded by a verdict at the Federal Social Court in Kassel. A Hartz IV recipient sued through all instances, as he considered it unfair that unemployment benefit II recipients, who are covered by statutory health insurance, the full coverage by the employment agencies get paid, but private insured have the disadvantage. The supreme social justice appealed to the plaintiff and considered the previous practice unlawful. If a return to the statutory health insurance companies is denied those affected, the service providers must pay the full cost of health insurance, provided that the benefits correspond to those of the statutory health insurance.

Basic rate for Hartz IV recipients
Accordingly, the private funds must take out unemployed insured in Hartz IV reference in a base rate. Because they are ALG II recipients „need of help“ Under the law, half the amount of the tariff, ie a maximum of 296.44 euros per month, must be applied. Since April 2012, this amount has been transferred directly from the job centers to the insurer. The amount of the health insurance must prove the affected the job center by presentation of the insurance contract. If another contract exists, then the unemployed can (and should) change over to the base rate in order to get full coverage of the costs. If you do not do this, the service providers only pay for the amount that would be payable at a base rate. The balance must then continue to be paid from the standard rate.

Debt relief for defaulting payer
Private insured persons, who due to the illegal practice of the offices could not pay their insurance premiums completely, are entitled to a debt relief. In order to achieve this, the debtors have to file an application for debt relief in their PKV. The editorial office „gegen-hartz.de“ has specifically submitted a sample application for this purpose. In addition, affected PKV insured persons must prove their need for assistance by sending a copy of the Hartz IV decisions for the relevant years with the application attached. Danger: „There is no automatic debt relief! Only on application will the insurance company cancel the debt“, reports Sebastian Bertram from „gegen-hartz.de“. Without such an application, the insured will remain on their debts, explains the expert.

For the people affected, this agreement is a real blessing. If the PKV has confirmed the debt relief on application, the full health benefits can be claimed again. For many, there was only an emergency supply, which occurs when too much amount debts accumulate. (Lg)

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Further help with Hartz IV:
Hartz IV Forum
Against Hartz 4
Jobless Forum

Picture: Dr. Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt