Hartz IV Üstra extends escort service

Hartz IV Üstra extends escort service / Health News

Üstra extends escort service with a one-euro jobber


The Hanoverian public transport companies „üstra“ extend the escort service for disabled, single and senior citizens. The escort service is carried out by so-called one-euro jobbers who actually move to Hartz IV.

Since 2006, Hartz IV recipients have been assisting elderly and sick people on behalf of the Job Center Hannover. The escort service of Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe AG „üstra“ picks up the needy customers at home and accompanies them by bus and train for shopping, doctor's visit or physiotherapy. However, the service employees are not regularly employed, but all receive unemployment benefit II. For the activity they receive just one euro per hour. Even if single mothers, retirees or handicapped persons appreciate the service of the Üstra very much, the important activity is not paid with a social security fee.

Escort service project extended by three years
Now the Jobcenter Hannover and the Üstra have announced, due to the great demand, to extend the project for another three years. Currently, 70 Hartz 4 recipients are employed as a one-euro jobber. The job center emphasizes that all those affected are over the age of 50 and for this reason mostly have worse opportunities in the regular labor market. On average, the employees accompany around 600 passengers per month. „We want to continue to make this project possible, because the participants find this a useful task, can expand their social skills and gain a foothold in the labor market in the longer term“, said Horst Karrasch, Managing Director of the Jobcenter Region Hannover. The Üstra board welcomed the continuation. After all, the service can be offered for a small fee and is also tax-financed on top of that. „Passenger escorts provide help that is urgently needed in our society by many single and elderly citizens - and they feel that as well from the recognition they receive from their customers“ said Wilhelm Lindenberg, Member of the Board of Transport. (Sb)

Image: Harald Wanetschka