Hartz IV additional contribution 2011 deleted

Hartz IV additional contribution 2011 deleted / Health News

As of 2011, recipients of Hartz IV benefits do not have to pay any additional contributions for their health insurance.

Beneficiaries of Hartz IV benefits will no longer have to pay any additional health insurance contributions from next year. So far, recipients of unemployment benefit II benefits either had to change the health insurance, or settle the additional contribution from the barren Hartz IV rule set. The employment agencies had so far refused to pay the additional contribution to the beneficiary. Only in special cases, the additional contribution for Hartz IV recipients was taken if, for example, due to the health care, a special agreement was made, which would fall if a change of the health insurance.

From 2011, this dilemma should now be over. From January 1, 2011, recipients of Unemployment Benefit II benefits will be exempted from the additional contribution. Likewise liberated are also students, welfare recipients, military and community service providers, trainees, mini-jobbers and disabled persons without income. Low paid workers are also entitled to social security. This should be unbureaucratic, however, detailed plans for implementation are not yet known. In itself, pensioners and unemployment benefits were planned to liberate one beneficiary from the additional contribution. After the opposition of the CSU this planning was again rejected. Thus, it may only be possible for ALG One recipients to be entitled to social compensation, but not to a general exemption. (sb, 02.11.2010)

Also read:
Practice fee in the future Hartz IV rate included
Study: Fear of Hartz IV makes you sick

Picture: Dr. Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt