Hartz IV Pursuit of Sick through Jobcenter?

Hartz IV Pursuit of Sick through Jobcenter? / Health News

Scandalous prosecution of sick Hartz IV recipients through job center


With a new internal directive from the Federal Employment Agency, employees of the job center are being asked to pursue sick Hartz IV recipients. This represents an instruction to active breach of law, as the magazine „gegen-hartz.de“ reported.

Jobcenter staff as „Gods in white“
When sick, every person yearns for rest and relaxation. However, this is now considerably restricted for Hartz IV recipients through a directive from the Federal Employment Agency (BA). Diseased Hartz IV sufferers are by clerks „to control more and more often“ and „reasonable doubts about incapacity for work“ should be followed up. Even the benefits should be cut. Once again, the job center employees are expected to transcend their legal and professional skills and become more involved „Gods in white“ raise.

Legal machinations?
Thanks to the instruction that has been found out, the BA must in the future ask itself whether agency employees can now assume medical competence and thereby try to harass Hartz IV recipients. Even with a presumption of a clerk that the person concerned „not ill“ If the benefits are to be cut arbitrarily. A seven-sided paper „with technical references“ According to a newspaper report, according to concrete evidence, how to alleged „blue makers“ can recognize. The job center staff are instructed to pay attention to the following: Hartz IV recipients who are "sickly often or conspicuously often only for a short period of time" sick, are often sick before or after the weekend, miss a registration date at the job center due to illness, after dispute with tell an agent about their absence or sick leave at the end of a vacation. Furthermore, the internal directive deals with the following: "The employable eligible person repeatedly indicates incapacity for work or submits a certificate of incapacity after invitation to a reporting date, after offer or termination of a measure, after a dispute with the personal contact person, in which she announced her absence or after a refusal to allow holidays on the requested date, at the end of their holiday or immediately thereafter, after receipt of a mediation proposal. "

Doctors are not always married
When presenting a medical certificate by the sufferers should be clerks, according to newspaper reports „look closer“. If they also find that there is a suspicion of a possible advanced illness, the medical service of the health insurance (MDK) should be activated. This should then be examined again the diseased Hartz IV recipients. Examined should „if necessary also in the home of the person concerned“ become. Often a decision of the MDK also falls „without examination according to file situation“. (Ad)

Picture: Gerd Altmann