Health News - Page 1335

Healing without medications or surgical ion beams against certain cardiac arrhythmias

Cardiac arrhythmias: ions enable treatment without drugs or cathetersCardiac arrhythmias are a common complaint that often requires long-term medication and...

Heilpraxis Guide for the stomach and intestines

Buy now the Naturopathy Guide for stomach and intestinal complaints! Abdominal pain, distended abdomen, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea - Everyone knows...

Heilpraktikerverband to the medicinal herbal petition

Medicinal Products Commission of German Holistic Practitioners: Duty of Admission to Dietary Supplements: As a reaction to the mail campaigns...

Alternative Therapy Course Iris Diagnostics

Seminar tip Iris diagnostics: The iris as a mirror of the process of illness and healing 05.04.2011 Today, a 10-month...

Heilpraktiker approval on the test

The admission requirements for non-medical practitioners were the subject of the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag. Required are now...

Non-medical practitioners are discriminated against

Non-medical practitioner association calls for an end to discrimination 04/11/2013 Non-medical practitioners in Germany on the part of health policy...

Non-medical practitioner warning of expensive entries

High costs for web entry 05/07/2012 The federation of German non-medical practitioner e.V. warns again before fee-liable entries in so-called...

Non-medical practitioner symposium in the Congress Park Hanau

Non-medical practitioner symposium with the topic: Stress: body and soul in alarm - causes, consequences, therapies 29/08/2011 „Body and soul...

Naturopaths must report measles cases

Measles: report on suspicion 07/03/2013 More and more measles diseases are registered in Germany. More than 900 cases have been...