Non-medical practitioner warning of expensive entries

Non-medical practitioner warning of expensive entries / Health News

High costs for web entry


The federation of German non-medical practitioner e.V. warns again before fee-liable entries in so-called Web directories. Recently, more and more non-medical practitioners have been contacted and asked to visit their practice or business on the Internet „Commercial Information Center“ to be recorded. Many of the authors have a second letter, according to the Naturopaths Association „same content“ receive. The association warns: „Read the fine print!“

High cost of entry
It is one „chargeable, unofficial entry, which is expensive for you.“ The entry costs in the year 569.06 EUR is legally binding for 2 years. „The second round of writing the GWE economic information now also contained the official addition: letter has been sent to you on 21 May 2012 by post!“, the association writes in a newsletter. The non-medical practitioner association calls on all therapists and practitioners, „be careful in this context, otherwise it could be expensive“. (Sb)

Axel Hoffmann