Non-medical practitioners are discriminated against

Non-medical practitioners are discriminated against / Health News

Non-medical practitioner association calls for an end to discrimination


Non-medical practitioners in Germany on the part of health policy as a kind „auxiliary medical“ discriminated against. Before the beginning of Saturday 46th Baden-Württemberg Heilpraktiker Congress in Baden-Baden, the Naturopaths Association in the southwest spoke „for concrete answers from the politicians“ on the position of naturopathy in health care. "Naturopathy should not be reduced to the status of a kind of 'auxiliary medicine'," stressed the first chairman of the Naturopaths Association, Dietmar Falkenberg.

Many patients are very satisfied with the care and quality of the treatments by naturopaths. This proves the necessity of naturopathic treatments used by naturopaths in many ways. Often the criticism is conventional medicine „absurd“, as Falkenberg criticized. This discrimination should finally cease, so the demand of the federation. More than 1,500 alternative practitioners, doctors and experts are expected to attend the two-day alternative practitioner convention in Baden-Baden. Patron of the event is the Baden-Württemberg Social Minister Katrin Altpeter (SPD). (Sb)