Naturopaths must report measles cases

Naturopaths must report measles cases / Health News

Measles: report on suspicion


More and more measles diseases are registered in Germany. More than 900 cases have been reported nationwide this year. In 2012 there were still 166 diseases. A measles suspicion must also report alternative practitioners.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports that the centers of contagion are currently Munich and Berlin, where more than two-thirds of the patients have been reported since January. It is likely that the outbreak could spread to other regions, as measles are highly contagious and there are more and more parents in many places who do not have their children vaccinated. "Remember that a report of suspicion must be received within 24 hours at the health department," said the Association of German Naturopaths (BDH) in a recent release. (Pm)