Non-medical practitioner symposium in the Congress Park Hanau

Non-medical practitioner symposium in the Congress Park Hanau / Health News

Non-medical practitioner symposium with the topic: Stress: body and soul in alarm - causes, consequences, therapies


„Body and soul in alarm, stress: causes - consequences - therapies“ is the main topic of the 7th Healing Practitioner Symposium in the Congress Park Hanau on Saturday, 12 November 2011. The Hesse Association of the Union of German Healing Practitioners (UDH) and the Association of German Healing Practitioners (VDH) are joint organizers for this further education and training, with all naturopathic and naturopathic therapists working in the greater Frankfurt / Darmstadt / Mainz / Wiesbaden / Fulda / Würzburg and remaining Hesse are addressed.

Efficiency, efficiency and pressure to succeed are demands of modern everyday life and in ever faster rhythms and beat numbers. In addition, the day routine is filled with stimuli, so that „stress“ even among children and adolescents has become a commonly used word. „Leisure time basically has nothing in common with free time“ notes Monika Gerhardus, President of the Union of German Naturopaths.

„Burnout“ torments one, „Bore-out“ the others. Over- or under-demanding not only lead to mental illness, but often show up first in physical exhaustion. To this end, various lectures and practical workshops will make substantive contributions. Parallel to the symposium, an exhibition will be held in which biopharmaceutical and medical-technical companies will present their products and therapies. The direct conversation offers the therapist the exchange of further experiences and insights on the topic. (Pm)

Also read:
Underuse makes you ill: The Bore-out syndrome
What does a naturopath do??
Valerian & L-tryptophan: approaches to sleep disorder

Picture: Sigrid Rossmann