Heilpraxis Guide for the stomach and intestines

Heilpraxis Guide for the stomach and intestines / Health News

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Abdominal pain, distended abdomen, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea - Everyone knows about gastrointestinal complaints, although the causes are often not obvious at first glance. Also, the question arises as to how best should be responded to whether a visit to the doctor is required and what measures can be implemented independently. Here the "Heilpraxis Ratgeber für Magen und Darm" offers a clear reference work that enables quick help.

"Healing Practice Guide for the stomach and intestine" Content:

  • Diseases of the digestive tract from A to Z
  • Diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal complaints
  • Possibilities of home therapy and self-treatment
  • Information about required visits to the doctor
  • Comprehensive index for quick research

"For years, I had recurring digestive complaints that increasingly burdened me in everyday life. Thanks to the tips in the medical practice guide, I got rid of the complaints in a simple way - without the use of drugs! "
Victoria L .; 31

"I ran from one doctor to another. Diagnostic was always okay. The complaints remained. With the guide of Heilpraxis I became aware of my problem for the first time. It's the way I eat. "
Enrico H .; 47

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