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Renal insufficiency reduces cholesterol metabolism

Function of the „good“ HDL cholesterol limited in dialysis patients09/04/2015 In chronic renal failure, functions of the „good“ HDL cholesterol...

renal infarction

Infarction of the kidney If kidney tissue dies in one or more specific sections of the kidney due to a...


Inflammation of the kidney The nephritic syndrome: Various faces of nephritis.Because a variety of causes and forms are known for...


Pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis (pyelonephritis) is a bacterial inflammation of the renal pelvis (pyelitis) and kidney tissue (nephristis). The course of a...

Renal physician prescribed superfluous dialysis

An Auricher kidney doctor prescribed superfluous dialysis? 11/16/2012 Patients had complained to their health insurance company about the treatment of...


Abscess at the kidney Renal abscess and renal carbuncle (pus in the kidney). An encapsulated purulent epitope in kidney tissue...

Kidney transplant Urgent & life-giving

Kidney transplantation: Donations urgently needed. (24.08.2010) The decision of Frank Walter Steinmeier (SPD) to donate a kidney to his wife...


The kidney pair is approximately at the level of the lower ribs. The body performs many important functions in the...

Never rant Parents should offer help to babies

Not only frowned upon and devious: Petzende children sometimes need helpMany people initially react annoyed when a child tells others....