
kidney /
The kidney pair is approximately at the level of the lower ribs. The body performs many important functions in the body, such as detoxification, balance of fluid and electrolyte balance, production of hormones and enzymes and regulation of the acid-base balance. In addition, the kidneys are involved in the regulation of blood pressure and the formation of red blood cells.

The kidneys filter the blood by allowing certain cells of the renal cortex (glomeruli) to be permeable to various blood components. Sugar and urea as well as electrolytes and water pass through the vessel walls and form the so-called primary urine. This is collected in the renal tubules (tubules). Body-usable ingredients and liquids are returned to the body. Residues accumulate here as a concentrate and are finally excreted as urine. (Vb)


Kidney bruise - causes, symptoms and therapy

Barked Kidney Treatments and Signs Compared to many other kidney diseases, which can sometimes be life-threatening, bedding and b ...
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Stasis of the kidney In a so-called kidney congestion, it is not an independent disease, but a symptom, which by different ...
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Kidney pain is felt on the left and right side of the spine, approximately between the twelfth thoracic vertebra and the third lumbar vertebra. She who…
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When the bladder hurts, we usually notice it directly above the pubis, or, more unpleasantly, throughout the abdomen. Bladder pain may vary.
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