
Pyelonephritis / Diseases


Pyelonephritis (pyelonephritis) is a bacterial inflammation of the renal pelvis (pyelitis) and kidney tissue (nephristis). The course of a pyelonephritis can be acute or chronic. Women are much more affected than men due to anatomical features. Certain factors, such as pre-existing conditions or drug intake, favor the development of acute or chronic pyelonephritis.

Emergence of pyelonephritis
Chronic pyelitis
Naturopathy with kidney infection

Emergence of pyelonephritis

The renal pelvic inflammation develops v.a. Secondary to bacterial germs, which increase in the case of cystitis (cystitis) or urethritis in the kidneys. Less often, the germs are primarily, i. about bloodstream and lymphatic system to the kidneys. Naturopathic, moreover, a connection to chronic small intestinal inflammation is assumed, which can pass to the kidneys.


Symptoms of acute pyelonephritis: The main symptoms of acute renal pelvic inflammation are unilateral or bilateral flank pain, which can radiate into the groin and are often described as stinging, pressure-type or pulling. The pain is amplified by tapping (with the finger) on the kidney region. In addition, fever and chills, nausea and vomiting develop. Pain symptoms and the course of an acute pyelonephritis can appear very violent and go hand in hand with a general malaise. In addition, there are complaints when urinating, especially as pain and burning on urination and small urine levels despite strong urinary urgency (stranguria, pollakiuria). Through blood (blood in the urine) and bacteria (bacteriuria) and white blood cells (leucocyturia) the urine appears milky to reddish cloudy.

Chronic pyelitis

Characteristic of a becoming chronic pyelonephritis:Unhealed, acute nephritic inflammation may develop into a chronic course, which is accompanied by recurrent episodes of acute symptoms, but in the intervening phases is more characterized by nonspecific symptoms. These include general symptoms such as headache, fatigue and loss of appetite, severe thirst, as well as dull or squeezing flank pain, usually seen as diffuse back pain. Continue to Chronic pyelitis.

Therapy of Pyelonephritis

Due to the risk of urosepsis due to outgrowing germs and other functional complications for the kidneys, the therapy is usually started with antibiotics. Before all in the acute case, bed rest should be maintained and heat, e.g. through body wrap, hot water bottle or similar be applied. It is important to pay attention to plenty of fluid in the form of still water to drain the germs.

Naturopathy in renal pelvic inflammation

In naturopathy u.a. Medicinal plants used, which strengthen the body's defense and have an antibacterial effect. While e.g. Echinacea (coneflower) stimulates the immune system, in particular the leaves of the bearberry and the slightly milder cranberry leaves are considered as urinary desinfection. Preparations made from horseradish (kren) also counteract bacteria with their mustard oils. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner)
