All articles - Page 697

Stop smoking with e-cigarettes?

E-cigarettes not a suitable tool on the way to stopping smoking 08/29/2014 That even e-cigarettes are a burden on health,...

Stop smoking Fear of quitting is in any case unfounded

Fear of the withdrawal symptoms prevents many from smokingMany smokers would like to quit, but the fear of withdrawal often...

Smoker study Smokers relieve German society by earlier death

Early death: smokers relieve the company financiallyScientists have calculated that smokers financially relieve German society. This has mainly to do...

Smoking rate among adolescents dropped significantly

Teenagers smoke much less 12/02/2012 The number of adolescent smokers has declined significantly in the last ten years, according to...

Smoker lung morning cough could be COPD

Clarify Morning Cough: It could be COPD 11/11/2014 Every year more than three million people worldwide die from chronic obstructive...

Smoker's Lung (COPD) - Symptoms, Causes, Therapy

What is a smoker's lung? Shortness of breath, morning coughing fits, low resilience, shortness of breath - many smokers experience...

Smoking lung treatment even without cortisone

COPD: Treatment of smoker's lung even without cortisone?09/10/2014 Millions of people in Germany suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)....

Smoker's cancer cell mutation Multiple organ damage from tobacco consumption

Researchers are discovering molecular fingerprints in smoker's tumors Smoking harms your health and can cause cancer - this is well...

Smoking cough Depression can affect the treatment of COPD

Depression can affect the treatment of lung disease COPDIn Germany, around five million people suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,...