Stop smoking Fear of quitting is in any case unfounded

Stop smoking Fear of quitting is in any case unfounded / Health News
Fear of the withdrawal symptoms prevents many from smoking
Many smokers would like to quit, but the fear of withdrawal often prevents them from even trying. "Most people can not imagine that they will feel better afterwards, even if they have become properly ill through smoking," says Rudolf Schoberberger from the Institute of Social Medicine at the MedUni Vienna in the run-up to the World No Smoking Day next Sunday (31 May). But the fear of stopping is unfounded.

According to MedUni Vienna, many smokers feel a desire to overcome their addictions. Current surveys would indicate that just under a quarter of all smokers reduce tobacco consumption and a third want to stop altogether. 37 percent have already tried to quit. However, the fear that the withdrawal symptoms will be unbearable creates a major barrier. "The stronger the nicotine addiction, the stronger this fear," explains Schoberberger. However, this fear remains unfounded according to the results of a recent study published in the journal "Public Health".

Many smokers would like to quit, but fear prolonged withdrawal symptoms. (Image: Bernd Kasper /

After weaning, the ex-smoker feel much better
Many nicotine-dependent smokers would like to stop, but fail because of the fear that the desire to smoke remains unbearable afterwards. The study with participants of the three-week inpatient smoker therapy, which was scientifically accompanied by the MedUni Vienna, now comes to the clear conclusion that this fear of the withdrawal symptoms when quitting is unfounded. The evaluation of the success rate of inpatient smoker therapy by the social medics of the MedUni Vienna has shown that it "much better in the long term" for those who have stopped smoking in the long term, reports Schoberberger. Of the 270 participants surveyed, more than 42 percent stated one year after their inpatient smoking therapy "that they are healthier and also generally better and still do not smoke." Almost a third of the participants had started smoking again and the The rest did not appear to the control appointments.

Improved breathing, better sleep, less heart and circulatory problems
According to the researchers, smoking cessation had many positive effects on the well-being of former smokers. For example, "there was a significant increase in satisfaction with sleep, but also with respiration and mobility," reports Schoberberger. Also, the use of medication in this group had declined significantly. In addition, prior to therapy, 23.2 percent of current non-smokers had stated that they often suffered from cardiovascular complaints and after only half a year, this value had decreased to 5.8 percent. In addition, 31.4 percent of participants rated their general condition as frequently impaired prior to therapy, compared with only 7.5 percent thereafter. Overall, the "tobacco abstinence led to a significant improvement in health and life satisfaction," said Schoberberger. At the same time, "the craving for smoke in most weaned people is no longer an issue after half a year." The fear of quitting was therefore unfounded.

Even in old age the smoking stop is worthwhile
The health benefits of smoking cessation were recently examined in a study by the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, which was published in the journal "British Medical Journal". This came to the conclusion that even a weaning in old age still has significant positive effects. For example, people who have smoked their last cigarette over the age of 60 years have seen a significant reduction in the risk of a heart attack or stroke within a few years. Even in the first five years after the last cigarette showed a much lower risk. According to study leader Professor Hermann Brenner, it is never too late to quit smoking because even people in the highest age group would benefit greatly from their health. (Fp)