Stop smoking with e-cigarettes?

Stop smoking with e-cigarettes? / Health News

E-cigarettes not a suitable tool on the way to stopping smoking


That even e-cigarettes are a burden on health, has now been clearly clarified. However, the industry and its users continue to cite the lower burden on tobacco smoke and the ease of smoking cessation as alleged benefits of e-cigarettes. However, that is „E-cigarettes as an exit aid less suitable than tested methods for smoking cessation“, reports the German Lung Foundation (DLS) now in a recent press release. In fact, the e-cigarette can even make smoking cessation even more difficult.

„Many smokers use the e-cigarette to stop smoking or at least reduce the number of smoked tobacco cigarettes“, explains the DLS. However, here comes a recent US study to conclude that e-cigarettes are of undue benefit to quit smoking. „Because e-cigarettes are similar in appearance and handling to tobacco cigarettes, their use will maintain the familiar smoking habit as well as the addictive and smoking habits“, stressed the DLS chairman Professor Harald Morr in Hanover. „This may even make smoking cessation even more difficult“, Morr continues.

Unknown long-term effects of e-cigarettes
The German Lung Foundation concludes that other scientifically proven methods of smoking cessation, such as behavioral therapy in combination with preparations for the initial nicotine withdrawal symptoms (nicotine chewing gum, patch and / or certain medications) are certainly more suitable for smoking cessation as the e-cigarette. „Also, the advocated benefits of reducing tobacco consumption are low, and the additional use of the e-cigarette certainly does not reduce the risk for the heavy smoker of becoming seriously ill“, explained Professor Morr. Add to that, „that the long-term effects of e-cigarettes on health are still unknown.“ In particular, e-cigarettes containing nicotine are considered by the DLS „health concern“ because they promote the growth of tumors and are believed to trigger cancer themselves. „In addition, there is a risk of nicotine overdose and, in fact, the number of poisoning cases due to the consumption of e-cigarettes is increasing“, added Professor Morr. (Fp)