Stop smoking First analyze the rituals

Stop smoking First analyze the rituals / Health News

Before quitting smoking, one's own habits should be analyzed


"Stop smoking!" This is one of the well-known New Year's resolutions. But who wants to hold this, should first analyze in which situations the cigarettes are most likely to be consumed, the note in a recent release of the Federal Association of German pharmacists associations (ABDA).

Already in advance, the smoker should be aware of what habits they associate with smoking and how they could be replaced, reports the ABDA. For example, when smoking is coupled to certain situations, such as after eating, „you should find new rituals, for example, to brush your teeth after eating“, the Federal Association of German Pharmacist Associations continues. If the craving for the cigarette is tied to key stimuli such as coffee, it helps to forego this in the first time or to switch to another drink.

If the acute desire for the cigarette threatens to get out of hand, according to the ABDA, the three can „A tips“ - firstly postponing, secondly avoiding the situations and thirdly distracting (for example calling someone) - help. Instead of a cigarette you can also take a lollipop in your mouth, so that the hands and lips are busy. (Fp)

Picture: Bernd Kasper