Smoker lung morning cough could be COPD

Smoker lung morning cough could be COPD / Health News

Clarify Morning Cough: It could be COPD


Every year more than three million people worldwide die from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). An indication of the disease, also called smoker's lung, can be a morning cough. Experts therefore advise to have a morning cough medically clarified.

Three million deaths from COPD
More than three million people worldwide die of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) every year, reports the Swiss National News Agency (SDA). Around 400,000 people are affected in the Alpine republic. In Germany, it is estimated that three to five million sufferers. The main symptom of the widespread disease is the so-called smoker's cough, which can often show itself initially as a seemingly harmless cough in the morning with expectoration and mild respiratory distress.

Warning signs should be taken seriously
If warning signs are ignored too long, the consequences can be dramatic. Sufferers suffer from respiratory distress even in rest situations and are therefore severely restricted in their mobility, as the SDA writes. The Swiss Pulmonary League now provides reliable information on a possible disease in an online risk test. The experts write there for the test: „This COPD Risk Test will give you an initial idea of ​​your risk of developing COPD or whether you are already ill.“

Early diagnosis and quit smoking help
As a rule, patients in the final phase of the disease are permanently dependent on additional oxygen. Neither is COPD curable, nor can the destruction of the lung tissue be reversed. However, early diagnosis combined with a cessation of smoking can help slow the progression of the disease and maintain a good quality of life for as long as possible. According to the information, COPD can be diagnosed relatively easily. Already at a low risk - which can be determined for example by the online test - should a pulmonary function test („lufu“ or spirometry).

Pulmonary function test for respiratory problems
This test usually takes no longer than ten minutes and is useful for all people with breathing difficulties. He is particularly recommended for smokers over 45. The Swiss Lung League advises and cares for people with lung diseases and respiratory disorders, promotes their self-help and is committed to their commitment to clean air for the fact that fewer and fewer people in the lung and airways , (Ad)

Image: Dieter Schütz