Smoking cough Depression can affect the treatment of COPD

Smoking cough Depression can affect the treatment of COPD / Health News
Depression can affect the treatment of lung disease COPD
In Germany, around five million people suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD for short. The disease, also known as "smoker's cough", is in most cases caused by intense tobacco consumption. Many sufferers are also increasingly depressed. This complicates the therapy.

COPD can not be cured
According to the German respiratory league, up to five million people in Germany alone suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, also known as smoker's cough). It is not possible to cure the disease, but rapid progression can often be prevented. However, COPD first needs to be diagnosed. However, according to experts, patients often do not know for a long time about their severe lung disease.

Many patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) become depressed. This can affect the therapy. (Image: Ljupco Smokovski /

Especially smokers fall ill
Although smokers usually get sick, many non-smokers are also affected. In addition, it is known that, for example, people who are regularly exposed to air pollutants in the workplace belong to the risk groups. COPD can also be genetic in rare cases. Once the diagnosis of COPD has been established, various therapeutic measures can be taken to improve the function of the lungs. Frequently, a drug treatment with inhalable drugs.

Smoking cough is often associated with depression
However, COPD is often associated with depression and other mental health problems. According to the Internet portal "Pulmonary Physicians on the Web": "Depression, anxiety and especially panic disorders are common in COPD patients and are important for the progression of the disease, as they are more frequent hospital admissions, longer hospital stays, more frequent visits to the doctor and a impaired quality of life. "

The reliable intake of medicines is endangered
In addition, depression affects the treatment of severe lung disease. Dr. Andreas Hellmann, CEO of the Federal Association of Pulmonologists (BdP) said in a message from the news agency dpa: "Depression is a risk factor that jeopardizes the reliable intake of anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator COPD drugs."

Slow disease progression
According to the expert, however, it is important to consistently treat COPD as a progressive disease in order to slow down the course of the disease. According to Dr. Hellmann rehabilitation programs, lung sports, support groups and discussions with experts are useful to prevent depression in COPD patients. "Those affected should actively seek support and are not afraid to talk openly to their doctor if they notice that depressive thoughts, worries and fears take over," said the BdP chairman. (Ad)