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Ten percent of Germans are flexitarians

Share of vegetarians doubled within seven years 07/22/2013 More and more people in Germany are critical of unrestrained meat consumption....

Ten minutes of light exercise protects against dementia

Even light exercise keeps our brains healthy Unfortunately, more and more cases of dementia are occurring worldwide. What options are...

Ten children infected with HIV after blood transfusion

Ten children were infected with HIV in blood transfusion treatment in Pakistan 04/12/2014 Ten children were infected with the HI...

Ten years of BSE The mad cow disease seems defeated

Ten years BSE: The mad cow disease seems to be defeated. A spread of the disease could be prevented. 24/11/2010...

Ten errors from urology are cleared up

Many popular wisdom does not stand up to closer inspection 06/24/2014 Numerous myths circulate around urology: Often, however, they do...

Ten good tips against lovesickness

Ten tips that can help against heartache02/15/2015 On Valentine's Day many lovers had a good time, others were reminded of...

Toe Pain - Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Pain in the toes - When walking becomes agony We all know painful toes, and most of the time the...


The end members of the foot are called toes. Normally we humans have five toes, the big toe (hallux, digitus...

Tick ​​warning at Easter

Tick ​​warning for Easter: Ministry of Health warns against tick bites in the easter egg hunt 18.04.2011 The Bavarian Ministry...