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Temporary work makes people sick more often

Temporary work makes people sick more often 07/13/2011 According to the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) temporary employment leads to an increased...

Time for healthy fasting and detoxification

Lenten Instructions: This is how healthy fasting and detoxification work 03/02/2014 During the winter months, many people neatly accumulate hip...

Do women show much better stamina than men?

Men are stronger, but women have a much higher staminaIn general, most people would probably assume that their sex is...

Tens of thousands do not know about their own HIV infection

Worldwide, new HIV infections only increase in Europe The European Region is the only World Health Organization (WHO) region in...

Tens of thousands killed by rabies in India

New strategies against rabies propagation in India 09/22/2014 Rabies is a 100 percent preventable disease that still causes around 60,000...

Tens of thousands of English patients are said to be infected with new sexually transmitted diseases

First resistant cases of the bacterium discoveredHundreds of thousands of people in the UK may already be infected with a...

Ten year old boy died of swine flu

Ten year old boy died of swine flu 12/31/2011 In Munich, a ten-year-old boy died as a result of a...

Ten signals for cancer, stroke & heart attack

For which pain patients urgently need to see the doctor 03/14/2014 Heart attacks, strokes and malignant tumors are often associated...

Ten percent of new school students are overweight

Ten percent of new school students are overweight. (06.08.2010) The evaluation of the results of the school entrance examination 2009...