Time for healthy fasting and detoxification

Lenten Instructions: This is how healthy fasting and detoxification work
During the winter months, many people neatly accumulate hip gold. The gluttony with high-calorie food usually starts at Christmas and often lasts until the carnival time. Ash Wednesday is for many the deadline on which they want to lose weight and cleanse their body. Here, a guide to healthy fasting is advisable.
At some point, gluttony becomes too much
At Christmas, for many, the delicacy began with cookies, goose and mulled wine. To defy the cold after the New Year, then followed by hearty food and chocolate and Carnival is then often reached a climax of gluttony with fat and a lot of alcohol. At some point, it is too much for most and they decide to fast. Christian Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, which falls on the 5th of March this year and lasts until Easter. In general, fasting means for a while to dispense with certain foods, such as meat or alcohol. There are many methods available for fasting.
Expert advises to fasting leader
In the case of the fasting method according to Buchinger (named after its inventor Dr. Otto Buchinger), after a thorough colon cleansing, nothing is eaten for five to ten days, but only drunk and light sports are practiced. Andrea Chiappa from the German Fasting Academy in Oberursel advises: „If you are fasting for the first time, you should join a group of medically certified fasting leaders.“ The so-called Schroth cure is another way to deacidify or detoxify your body. It is a calorie-reduced, mostly basic food without animal protein and fat on the menu. The method developed by the carter Johann Schroth is part of numerous European health clinics. The food consists mainly of porridge with plums or apricots and steamed vegetables. In addition, there are daily sweat cures with wet wraps, which stimulate the excretion. Drunk is only on certain days, because in the „dry days“ a suction from the intermediate tissue is to be caused in the blood, which pulls out the substances deposited in the body. These will be sent to the „drinking days“ excreted. In addition to tea and water, wine is even allowed in moderate quantities.
Cure is meant to relieve gastrointestinal system
The named after their inventor F. X. Mayr cure is to give new strength for the intestine. „It is basically a colon cleansing and should relieve the gastrointestinal system“, so Chiappa. It is the intestine every day with Glauber's salt „by cleaned“. The withdrawal is supported by the drinking of water and teas and by special abdominal massages. This treatment places special emphasis on the right chewing. So the fasting people eat old bread rolls in the morning and at noon, which are chewed until they are covered with saliva and simmer some milk. The food is thus already largely predigested in the mouth and thus protects the gastrointestinal tract. Günther Gunzelmann, fasting physician and first chairman of the professional association fasting and nutrition in Stuttgart, explained: „For people with sensitive stomach, this cure is well suited.“
Clean the intestine with Glauber's salt
The secret of any fasting method is good preparation. But no matter which one decides, almost all methods include the ritual of colon cleansing and emptying. This can be achieved with the help of Glauber's salt, which cleanses the innards within three to four hours. This is especially important for Buchinger's method on the first day and Gunzelmann explains: „An enema would only empty the colon.“ If not the entire intestine is emptied, the remnants in the small intestine begin to rot and ferment. In another method, the healing fasting after Hildegard von Bingen, the body is a large amount of liquid supplied. In this gentle form of body cleansing is a so-called daily „Fast soup“ consumed, which consists of spelled and seasonal vegetables. Participants are only allowed to drink fennel tea.
Move at least one hour a day
As fasting is a tremendous change for the body and responds with increased fatigue, fasting people should rest more in the first two days and ideally begin at the weekend. From the third day, most feel more active again. From then on, you should walk at least one hour daily to keep your muscles active and your circulation stable. „Endurance sports such as hiking, swimming, cycling or easy running are ideal“, recommends Chiappa. „However, one should not go to its performance limit.“ The daily fasting plan should include two and a half liters of water and thin teas as well as vegetable broth without the vegetables. This is intended to rid the body of the degraded toxins. Gunzelmann explains: „During metabolism, end products are always produced that the body can not degrade and store.“ These are released during fasting and excreted.
Almost everyone can fast
All people who are healthy and do not need to take any prescription drugs can fast. Anyone who chooses to do so should definitely inform themselves in advance, because there are also diseases in which fasting can have a counterproductive effect. But for people with diabetes, hypertension or metabolic syndrome Gunzelmann cure fasting is the king of health. „The blood values improve significantly.“ For concomitant treatment, fasting is also used in naturopathy, for example in diseases of the cardiovascular system (for example arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease) or in allergic diseases such as hay fever or asthma. Ideally, you also take something for life with you during Lent and can integrate it into everyday life: drinking enough daily and moving regularly, for example. (Ad)
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