Do women show much better stamina than men?

In general, most people would probably assume that their sex is physically stronger and also has increased muscle endurance. However, researchers now found that women are much less exhausted after dynamic exercise than men.
The scientists from the University of British Columbia found in their current study that women have a higher endurance compared to male counterparts. The experts published a press release on the results of their study.

Women have a greatly increased muscle endurance
The results of the new research suggest that although men are physically stronger than women, women have a high rate of muscle endurance. The researchers came to this conclusion after finding that women were significantly less exhausted after natural, dynamic muscle exercises than men of similar age and athletic ability.
Women have an increased endurance in dynamic and practical movements of everyday life?
"We have known for some time that women tire less in so-called isometric muscle tests than men," say the doctors. In these static exercises, the joints do not move when holding a weight. We wanted to find out if this result persists even in dynamic and practical movements of everyday life, according to author Brian Dalton. The answer seems fairly clear: women also have a much higher stamina compared to men.
Physicians examined the speed, strength and electrical activity of the muscles
The study looked at eight men and nine women, all at a similar level of physical fitness. Participants were asked by the experts to perform an exercise that would allow them to flex their feet 200 times as fast as possible against a series of sensors. Speed, strength, muscle electrical activity, and torque were recorded and recorded throughout the study, the researchers explain.
Men are stronger at first, but then tire much faster
"We decided to measure these foot movements because the calf muscles on the back of the leg are needed during the movement," say the experts. These muscles are essential for everyday, practical tasks such as standing and walking, Professor Dalton further explains. The scientists found that men were initially faster and stronger, but then fatigued much faster than women.
Only one isolated muscle group was examined
Although only one isolated muscle group has been studied, similar results are expected to occur in other muscle groups. This would be in line with observations previously made by experts, Dalton says. We know from previous research that in events like the so-called ultra-trail runs men are faster, but women end up having significantly less fatigue, the expert adds.
Special skills of both sexes must be supported
The results could be used to design training programs or to adapt the work environment. This would minimize work-related fatigue and improve overall productivity, researchers said. "Both sexes have valuable physical abilities, and it only makes sense that we explore and develop opportunities to give them the best possible support," adds Professor Brian Dalton. (As)