All articles - Page 25

Too much body fat is a health risk

Why a slim silhouette is more than just a beauty idealAdipose tissue: for many a sensitive matter, which gains currency...

Too much calcium increases your risk of heart death

Too much calcium increases your risk of heart death 02/06/2013 Calcium is widely regarded as a popular dietary supplement -...

Too much jogging raises the risk of death

More than 2.5 hours of jogging a week is counterproductive 02/18/2015 Sufficient physical activity is generally considered healthy and is...

Too much fine dust in the air

Leipzig again exceeds EU limits 26/12/2014 As the Central German Broadcasting Corporation (MDR) reports, Leipzig has once again clearly exceeded...

Eating too much is bad for the memory

Too much food adversely affects the memory 13.02.2012 Too much high-calorie food promotes memory problems. This found out US researchers...

Too much cola reduces sperm production?

Danish study: Too much cola reduces sperm production?Although it is well known that cola is not one of the healthiest...

Too much hydrocyanic recall for organic product at Aldi Süd

Cranberries and almonds have too high hydrocyanic acid contentRecall at Aldi Süd: As the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and...

Too much exercise can be bad for the heart

Upper limit of physical activity - sports only in moderation sense 05/19/2014 Sufficient exercise is generally attributed to a preventive...

Too late to the cancer screening doctor is liable

Gynecologists who advise their patients late for mammography can be held liable 09/26/2013 This was the verdict of the Higher...