Too much hydrocyanic recall for organic product at Aldi Süd

Recall at Aldi Süd: As the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety currently informs, an increased content of hydrogen cyanide was evidently detected in cranberries from the organic assortment. This is poisonous and can cause nausea and breathing problems, especially in children. According to this, the "Organic Cranberries & Almonds 125 g" with the best before date (MHD) 14.12.2016 are affected.
Toxic hydrocyanic acid is a great danger, especially for children
The discounter Aldi Süd has to take organic almonds out of the shelves in several federal states. Previously, the manufacturer had Vita Naturprodukte GmbH from Langkampfen (Austria) "as a precaution for reasons of consumer health protection" the product "Organic Cranberries & Almonds 125 g" recalled with the expiration date (MHD) 14.12.2016, according to the release of the Federal Office. Accordingly, bitter almonds were found in the corresponding products, which had an increased content of hydrocyanic acid (hydrogen cyanide). This is highly toxic and could, according to the information especially in children to health damage and cause symptoms of intoxication such as nausea and respiratory problems.

Customers should not consume affected products
Accordingly, the manufacturer asks customers not to consume the product, but if necessary to bring it back to the nearest Aldi-Süd store. The cranberry-almond mixture was distributed by ALDI SOUTH in the administrative districts of Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Darmstadt, Rheinhessen-Pfalz, Freiburg, Cologne, Koblenz, Trier and parts of the Saarland, the information continues. (No)