Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Baby Came Heart Attack Doctors Rescued Child With Bypass Op
Heart Attack: Doctors save baby by bypass surgery Specialists at the German Heart Center in Munich have achieved a medical...
Baby Bureaucracy - To prepare instead of despair
So that it does not come to stress: This should respect future parents Pregnancy requires a lot of effort, and mother's...
Baby blues fathers with childbed depressions
Ten percent of fathers overtake the so-called baby blues 26.04.2012 Many mothers experience the so-called baby blues in the first...
Baby blues and postpartum depression Where does the anger on the own baby come from?
Anger at one's own baby: postpartum depression is often underestimatedOften, mothers experience the so-called "baby blues" in the first weeks...
bra BKK BKK Dr. med. Oetker BKK health professions infant baby food baby powder to bathe lake bacteria bananas To...
Ayurvedic medicinal plants with amazing effects on health
Ayurveda: Health effects of medicinal plantsMore and more people worldwide are using Ayurveda to relieve stress and calm down. The...
The term Ayurveda comes from Sanskrit and is composed of the words Veda (= knowledge) and Ayus (= life), which...
Ayurveda Healing oil massages against stress
Ayurvedic massages for stress reductionIndian Ayurveda Ayurveda offers various approaches to reduce stress and its harmful effects, with a combination...
Axial pain Neck pain can have many triggers
Pain in the neck is a common problemNeck pain is a common phenomenon that affects almost everyone at least once...
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