Ayurveda Healing oil massages against stress

Ayurveda Healing oil massages against stress / Health News
Ayurvedic massages for stress reduction
Indian Ayurveda Ayurveda offers various approaches to reduce stress and its harmful effects, with a combination of different measures (such as diet, herbal cures, massages, oiling, relaxation techniques) usually promising the most success. In this country, individual elements of Ayurveda are specifically offered in special facilities and practices to reduce stress. In particular, the Ayurvedic massages enjoy relatively high popularity.

The Ayurvedic oil massages are often used against typical stress symptoms such as inner restlessness, tension and nervousness. They have a relaxing effect and should bring the so-called doshas back into a balanced state. The massage also stimulates the muscles, tendons and ligaments, which can have a beneficial effect on the whole organism. In combination with other measures from Ayurvedic medicine, more serious consequences of stress, such as a burnout syndrome, can often be successfully treated.

Oil massages work against stress and cause a soothing effect on the entire body. (Picture: Picture-Factory / fotolia.com)

In case of severe stress and signs of burnout syndrome daily self-massage can be performed, but its use should be previously mediated by healthcare professionals. In addition, various measures such as detoxification, the use of appropriate medicinal plants or relaxation exercises or meditation are possible. In particular, yoga has proven itself here many times as a remedy for stress. (Fp)